list-newbie ... Have an Intel Flash E28F128 and want to ...

Robert Warner rwarner at
Tue Sep 4 23:50:37 EDT 2001


This may or may not be off topic ... just let me know.

I purchased a 3Com Audrey in the hopes to get Linux on it.  I'm currently 
looking at LinuxBIOS (and other possibilities).  It has a CFI Flash on it and 
am curious how to program the flash in-circuit.

In reading your How-To i noted the JFFS2 for embedded systems.  I curious 
about the following:
1. In-circuit programming of CFI flashes .. is this feasible? does a utility 
already exist?
2. How do I get the JFFS2 and Linux on this device? ... maybe I need to read 
the How-TO a little more ...

Thanks in advance for your input
Robert Warner

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