Using mtdblock as root device

Robert Kaiser rob at
Tue Mar 6 09:14:36 EST 2001

On Die, 06 Mär 2001 you wrote:
> >Now my question is: is there any particular reason (other than "nobody
> >has told Linus") why this is not already in the standard kernel ?
> because it's easier to do a
> $rdev <your kernel image here> /dev/mtdblock0 before installing
> the kernel with lilo. You don't need to pass any root kernel
> line parameters then.

I'd say since the kernel does support a "root=..." option it might as well
support it for all possible devices rather than just a selection of them.

But that's probably a discussion to be held in linux-kernel.


Robert Kaiser                         email: rkaiser at
Am Pfaffenstein 14                    phone: (49) 6136 9948-762
D-55270 Klein-Winternheim / Germany   fax:   (49) 6136 9948-10

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