Is my flash being detected?

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Fri Jun 22 12:04:10 EDT 2001

ashwinp at said:
> 	I got the mistake the fucntion check_cmd_set in cfi_probe.c assigns
> the probe function using inter_module_get_request .Since my kernel
> does not have module support the function returns null.For the time
> being I have assigned the address of the function cfi_cmdset_0002 to
> probe

Fixed in CVS. If the command set code is built-in, it get called directly. 
The inter_module_xxx crap in 2.4 is, well, crap. :)

ashwinp at said:
> unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 8f80000
> I think I know the reason this may be the readb from _memcpy_form_io
> may be trying to read from a wrong addres as the readb reads form
> PCMCIA_IO and I think I know the way to fix this .

Is the flash paged - allowing the CPU to see only a 0x80000-byte region at 
a time? There are examples (octagon-5066.c) of how to deal with this.

> 	I can't use the latest kernel so I am  forced to used the mtd on a
> older kernel. 

The code in CVS should work on older kernels. Please use it.


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