[Q] MEMGETREGIONxxx ioctls

Kári Davíðsson kd at flaga.is
Sat Apr 14 11:14:58 EDT 2001


Corrected these errors and commited.



-----Original Message-----
From:	Eric
Sent:	Thu 4/12/2001 7:27 PM
To:	mtd at infradead.org
Subject:	[Q] MEMGETREGIONxxx ioctls

Here are a few questions related to the MEMGETREGIONxxx ioctls.
I'd simply submit a patch, but I am not sure about the reasoning
and I'm not near a build system for verification:

	1) Why is MEMGETREGIONCOUNT declared with _IOW
	   instead of _IOR in mtd.h?  It seems to be a
	   read from kernelspace, rather than a write to
           kernelspace in mtdchar.c.

	2) Why is MEMGETREGIONINFO declared likewise with _IOW
	   instead of _IOWR?  The ioctl in mtdchar.c reads the
	   regionindex member and then populates the rest of the
	   struct accordingly.

	3) Do we need the declaration of 
		"struct mtd_erase_region_info *kr"
	   inside the MEMGETREGIONINFO ioctl handler?  It is 
	   initialized but never used, so I doubt it is necessary.


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