DOC 2000 Boot Problem

Ollie Lho ollie at
Mon Apr 9 21:01:57 EDT 2001

Chris Robson wrote:
> Are there any issues w/ using a 8MB Disk on Chip 2000 (PN D2200-D08).
> I installed Kernel 2.4.3 w/ the MTD image from April 5.  And when the
> system boots from the DOC, I see two things:
>         During the detection of something at the very start of the
> kernel, there is garbage displayed on the       screen.
>         When the kernel is done booting, and it goes to mount root as
> /dev/nftla1 it says
>         "VFS: Cannot open root device "" or 03:05
>         Please append a correct "root=" boot option
>         Kernel panic:  VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:05

The kernel wants to mount root filesystem from /dev/hda1 rather
then /dev/nftla1. You have to issue kernel command line for
your lilo.


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