Big Endian issues

Alice Hennessy ahennessy at
Tue Nov 28 18:44:06 EST 2000

Hello all,

I need some advice regarding my big endian arch (ppc). I am using
cfi_cmdset_0002.c  and there is
a built-in assumption that  words will be swapped when reading and writing to
a little endian device.
This assumption is present in cfi_build_cmd and in cfi_probe_new_chip.  Both
of these (in my configuration)
use map->write32 and map->read32 when dealing with commands and status
words.   This seems reasonable.

In dealing with data, however, map->write32 is used in writes but
map->copy_from is used in reads.
So, the assumption I assume is that map->copy_from will also swap bytes.
But in my environment,
map->copy_from (memcpy_fromio) doesn't swap bytes.  I don't think it needs to
if we make use of
map->copy_to (memcpy_toio)  when writing data (in amd_write_val and in the
immediate data check). In this case, copy_from and copy_to functions just
need to be consistent.

Any opinions?   Anyone else get this to work with big endian?
Is a change needed in my memcpy_fromio?


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