Big Endian/Little Endian headache in cfi_cmdset_0002.c

mark.langsdorf at mark.langsdorf at
Tue Nov 14 12:23:05 EST 2000

	The write code in cfi_amdext_write_bytes_32 uses
be32_to_cpu and cpu_to_be32 to make the last four or 
less bytes of a buffer Big Endian.  However, none of 
the other write or read code in cfi_cmdset_002 is 
concerned with Endianess, so it looks like (on my 
x86 chip) that the first x bytes of a write are
little endian, and then the last 3 or 4 are reversed.
	Is there some reason for handling things this
way, or is this a bug in the code?

Mark Langsdorf
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc             Tel: 512.602.3756
5204 E. Ben White Blvd. M/S 590         Fax: 512.602.5051
Austin, TX 78741                        mark.langsdorf at

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