Boot from NAND flash ???

Thomas Gleixner gleixner at
Wed Jan 12 06:50:49 EST 2000

On Monday, 13. May 2002 18:47, Vadim Khmelnitsky wrote:
> [Thomas]
> There's another important limitation. Who guarantees you, that your
> "boot-page" does not get bad or is a bad block already. That's the reason,
> why DOC has 4 blocks with the same code.
> [Vadim]
> Actually, in Diskonchip Millennium 8MB we have first erasable unit
> guaranteed to be good .
> We do have two copies of a boot-code stored one after another in page 0 and
> 1 of the first erasable unit .

That applies for DOC devices, but not for raw NAND chips.

autronix automation GmbH gleixner at

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