mtd/fs/jffs3/ecos/tests fileio1.c, NONE, 3.1 fseek1.c, NONE, 3.1 romfileio1.c, NONE, 3.1

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Thu Dec 9 11:05:58 EST 2004

Update of /home/cvs/mtd/fs/jffs3/ecos/tests
In directory

Modified Files:
      Tag: 3.1
	fileio1.c fseek1.c romfileio1.c 
Log Message:

--- NEW FILE fileio1.c ---
//      fileio1.c
//      Test fileio system
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s):           nickg
// Contributors:        nickg
// Date:                2000-05-25
// Purpose:             Test fileio system
// Description:         This test uses the testfs to check out the initialization
//                      and basic operation of the fileio system

#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/kernel.h>
#include <pkgconf/io_fileio.h>

#include <cyg/kernel/ktypes.h>         // base kernel types
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_trac.h>        // tracing macros
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_ass.h>         // assertion macros
#include <cyg/io/flash.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>

#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>

#include <cyg/infra/testcase.h>
#include <cyg/infra/diag.h>            // HAL polled output

#include <pkgconf/fs_jffs3.h>	// Address of JFFS3


#if 0
MTAB_ENTRY( jffs3_mte1,


#define SHOW_RESULT( _fn, _res ) \
diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() returned %d %s\n", _res, _res<0?strerror(errno):"");


#define IOSIZE  1000

#define LONGNAME1       "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_1"
#define LONGNAME2       "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_2"



char *strcat( char *s1, const char *s2 )
    char *s = s1;
    while( *s1 ) s1++;
    while( (*s1++ = *s2++) != 0);
    return s;



static void listdir( char *name, int statp, int numexpected, int *numgot )
    int err;
    DIR *dirp;
    int num=0;
    diag_printf("<INFO>: reading directory %s\n",name);
    dirp = opendir( name );
    if( dirp == NULL ) SHOW_RESULT( opendir, -1 );

        struct dirent *entry = readdir( dirp );
        if( entry == NULL )
        diag_printf("<INFO>: entry %14s",entry->d_name);
        if( statp )
            char fullname[PATH_MAX];
            struct stat sbuf;

            if( name[0] )
                strcpy(fullname, name );
                if( !(name[0] == '/' && name[1] == 0 ) )
                    strcat(fullname, "/" );
            else fullname[0] = 0;
            strcat(fullname, entry->d_name );
            err = stat( fullname, &sbuf );
            if( err < 0 )
                if( errno == ENOSYS )
                    diag_printf(" <no status available>");
                else SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );
                diag_printf(" [mode %08x ino %08x nlink %d size %d]",


    err = closedir( dirp );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );
    if (numexpected >= 0 && num != numexpected)
        CYG_TEST_FAIL("Wrong number of dir entries\n");
    if ( numgot != NULL )
        *numgot = num;


static void createfile( char *name, size_t size )
    unsigned char buf[IOSIZE];
    int fd;
    ssize_t wrote;
    int i;
    int err;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: create file %s size %d\n",name,size);

    err = access( name, F_OK );
    if( err < 0 && errno != EACCES ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    for( i = 0; i < IOSIZE; i++ ) buf[i] = i%256;
    fd = open( name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT );
    if( fd < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd );

    while( size > 0 )
        ssize_t len = size;
        if ( len > IOSIZE ) len = IOSIZE;
        wrote = write( fd, buf, len );
        if( wrote != len ) SHOW_RESULT( write, wrote );        

        size -= wrote;

    err = close( fd );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


#if 0
static void maxfile( char *name )
    char buf[IOSIZE];
    int fd;
    ssize_t wrote;
    int i;
    int err;
    size_t size = 0;
    diag_printf("<INFO>: create maximal file %s\n",name);

    err = access( name, F_OK );
    if( err < 0 && errno != EACCES ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    for( i = 0; i < IOSIZE; i++ ) buf[i] = i%256;
    fd = open( name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT );
    if( fd < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd );

        wrote = write( fd, buf, IOSIZE );
        if( wrote < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( write, wrote );        

        size += wrote;
    } while( wrote == IOSIZE );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: file size == %d\n",size);

    err = close( fd );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


static void checkfile( char *name )
    unsigned char buf[IOSIZE];
    int fd;
    ssize_t done;
    int i;
    int err;
    off_t pos = 0;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: check file %s\n",name);
    err = access( name, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );

    fd = open( name, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd );

        done = read( fd, buf, IOSIZE );
        if( done < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done );

        if( done == 0 ) break;

        for( i = 0; i < done; i++ )
            if( buf[i] != i%256 )
                diag_printf("buf[%d+%d](%02x) != %02x\n",pos,i,buf[i],i%256);
                CYG_TEST_FAIL("Data read not equal to data written\n");
        pos += done;

    err = close( fd );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


static void copyfile( char *name2, char *name1 )

    int err;
    char buf[IOSIZE];
    int fd1, fd2;
    ssize_t done, wrote;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: copy file %s -> %s\n",name2,name1);

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err < 0 && errno != EACCES ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );

    err = access( name2, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    fd1 = open( name1, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT );
    if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );

    fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
        done = read( fd2, buf, IOSIZE );
        if( done < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done );

        if( done == 0 ) break;

        wrote = write( fd1, buf, done );
        if( wrote != done ) SHOW_RESULT( write, wrote );

        if( wrote != done ) break;

    err = close( fd1 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );

    err = close( fd2 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


static void comparefiles( char *name2, char *name1 )
    int err;
    char buf1[IOSIZE];
    char buf2[IOSIZE];
    int fd1, fd2;
    ssize_t done1, done2;
    int i;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: compare files %s == %s\n",name2,name1);

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    fd1 = open( name1, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );

    fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
        done1 = read( fd1, buf1, IOSIZE );
        if( done1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done1 );

        done2 = read( fd2, buf2, IOSIZE );
        if( done2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done2 );

        if( done1 != done2 )
            diag_printf("Files different sizes\n");
        if( done1 == 0 ) break;

        for( i = 0; i < done1; i++ )
            if( buf1[i] != buf2[i] )
                diag_printf("buf1[%d](%02x) != buf1[%d](%02x)\n",i,buf1[i],i,buf2[i]);
                CYG_TEST_FAIL("Data in files not equal\n");

    err = close( fd1 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );

    err = close( fd2 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


void checkcwd( const char *cwd )
    static char cwdbuf[PATH_MAX];
    char *ret;

    ret = getcwd( cwdbuf, sizeof(cwdbuf));
    if( ret == NULL ) SHOW_RESULT( getcwd, ret );    

    if( strcmp( cwdbuf, cwd ) != 0 )
        diag_printf( "cwdbuf %s cwd %s\n",cwdbuf, cwd );
        CYG_TEST_FAIL( "Current directory mismatch");

// main

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int err;
    //int i;
    int existingdirents=-1;


    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    err = mount( CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1, "/", "jffs3" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );    

    err = chdir( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    checkcwd( "/" );
    listdir( "/", true, -1, &existingdirents );
    if ( existingdirents < 2 )
        CYG_TEST_FAIL("Not enough dir entries\n");

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    createfile( "/foo", 202 );
    checkfile( "foo" );
    copyfile( "foo", "fee");
    checkfile( "fee" );
    comparefiles( "foo", "/fee" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: mkdir bar\n");
    err = mkdir( "/bar", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );

    listdir( "/" , true, existingdirents+3, NULL );

    copyfile( "fee", "/bar/fum" );
    checkfile( "bar/fum" );
    comparefiles( "/fee", "bar/fum" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd bar\n");
    err = chdir( "bar" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    checkcwd( "/bar" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: rename /foo bundy\n");    
    err = rename( "/foo", "bundy" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rename, err );
    listdir( "/", true, existingdirents+2, NULL );
    listdir( "" , true, 4, NULL );

    checkfile( "/bar/bundy" );
    comparefiles("/fee", "bundy" );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    createfile( LONGNAME1, 123 );
    checkfile( LONGNAME1 );
    copyfile( LONGNAME1, LONGNAME2 );

    listdir( "", false, 6, NULL );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink " LONGNAME1 "\n");    
    err = unlink( LONGNAME1 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink " LONGNAME2 "\n");    
    err = unlink( LONGNAME2 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink fee\n");    
    err = unlink( "/fee" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink fum\n");        
    err = unlink( "fum" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink /bar/bundy\n");        
    err = unlink( "/bar/bundy" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /\n");        
    err = chdir( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    checkcwd( "/" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir /bar\n");        
    err = rmdir( "/bar" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );
    listdir( "/", false, existingdirents, NULL );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    diag_printf("<INFO>: mount /jffs3 \n");
    err = mount( CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1, "/jffs3", "jffs3" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );    

    createfile( "/jffs3/tinky", 456 );
    copyfile( "/jffs3/tinky", "/jffs3/laalaa" );
    checkfile( "/jffs3/tinky");
    checkfile( "/jffs3/laalaa");
    comparefiles( "/jffs3/tinky", "/jffs3/laalaa" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /jffs3\n");    
    err = chdir( "/jffs3" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    checkcwd( "/jffs3" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: mkdir noonoo\n");    
    err = mkdir( "noonoo", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );

    listdir( "." , true, existingdirents+3, NULL);

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd noonoo\n");
    err = chdir( "noonoo" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    checkcwd( "/jffs3/noonoo" );
    createfile( "tinky", 678 );
    checkfile( "tinky" );

    createfile( "dipsy", 3456 );
    checkfile( "dipsy" );
    copyfile( "dipsy", "po" );
    checkfile( "po" );
    comparefiles( "dipsy", "po" );

    /*for(i=0;i<2048;i++) {
        diag_printf("<INFO>: churningchurningchurning................................ITERATION = %d\n", i);    
        createfile( "churningchurningchurning", 4096 );
        diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink churningchurningchurning\n");    
        err = unlink( "churningchurningchurning" );
        if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    listdir( ".", true, 5, NULL );
    listdir( "", true, 5, NULL );
    listdir( "..", true, existingdirents+3, NULL );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink tinky\n");    
    err = unlink( "tinky" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink dipsy\n");    
    err = unlink( "dipsy" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink po\n");    
    err = unlink( "po" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd ..\n"); 
    err = chdir( ".." );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir noonoo\n"); 
    err = rmdir( "noonoo" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    err = mkdir( "x", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );
    err = mkdir( "x/y", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );
    err = mkdir( "x/y/z", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );

    err = mkdir( "x/y/z/w", 0 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mkdir, err );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /jffs3/x/y/z/w\n");
    err = chdir( "/jffs3/x/y/z/w" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3/x/y/z/w" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd ..\n");
    err = chdir( ".." );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3/x/y/z" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd .\n");
    err = chdir( "." );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3/x/y/z" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd ../../y\n");
    err = chdir( "../../y" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3/x/y" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd ../..\n");
    err = chdir( "../.." );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/jffs3" );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir x/y/z/w\n"); 
    err = rmdir( "x/y/z/w" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir x/y/z\n"); 
    err = rmdir( "x/y/z" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir x/y\n"); 
    err = rmdir( "x/y" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: rmdir x\n"); 
    err = rmdir( "x" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( rmdir, err );
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink tinky\n");    
    err = unlink( "tinky" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink laalaa\n");    
    err = unlink( "laalaa" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( unlink, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /\n");    
    err = chdir( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    checkcwd( "/" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: umount /jffs3\n");    
    err = umount( "/jffs3" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    
    diag_printf("<INFO>: umount /\n");    
    err = umount( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF fileio1.c

--- NEW FILE fseek1.c ---
//      fseek1.c
//      Test fseek on a filesystem
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Lunn
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s):           asl
// Contributors:        asl
// Date:                2004-03-29
// Purpose:             Test fseek on a filesystem
// Description:         This test uses the ramfs to check out the fseek
//                      operation on a filesystem.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>
#include <cyg/io/flash.h>

#include <cyg/infra/testcase.h>
#include <cyg/infra/diag.h>            // HAL polled output

#define SHOW_RESULT( _fn, _res ) \
diag_printf("FAIL: " #_fn "() returned %d %s\n", _res, _res<0?strerror(errno):"");


char buf[1024];
char buf1[1024];

// main

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int err;
    FILE *stream;
    long pos;
    int i;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    CYG_TEST_INFO("mount /");    
    err = mount( CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1, "/", "jffs3" );

    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );    
    CYG_TEST_INFO("creating /fseek");    
    stream = fopen("/fseek","w+");
    if (!stream) {
      diag_printf("FAIL: fopen() returned NULL, %s\n", strerror(errno));
      CYG_TEST_FINISH("done");          \

    /* Write a buffer full of cyclic numbers */
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) {
      buf[i] = i % 256;
    CYG_TEST_INFO("writing test pattern");    
    err=fwrite(buf,sizeof(buf), 1, stream);
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( fwrite, err );
    /* The current position should be the same size as the buffer */
    pos = ftell(stream);
    if (pos < 0) SHOW_RESULT( ftell, pos );
    if (pos != sizeof(buf))
      diag_printf("<FAIL>: ftell is not telling the truth.");
    CYG_TEST_INFO("fseek()ing to beginning and writing");    

    /* Seek back to the beginning of the file */
    err = fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( fseek, err );

    pos = ftell(stream);
    if (pos < 0) SHOW_RESULT( ftell, pos );
    if (pos != 0) CYG_TEST_FAIL("ftell is not telling the truth");

    /* Write 4 zeros to the beginning of the file */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      buf[i] = 0;

    err = fwrite(buf, 4, 1, stream);
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( fwrite, err );

    /* Check the pointer is at 4 */
    pos = ftell(stream);
    if (pos < 0) SHOW_RESULT( ftell, pos );
    if (pos != 4)  CYG_TEST_FAIL("ftell is not telling the truth");

    CYG_TEST_INFO("closing file");
    /* Close the file, open it up again and read it back */
    err = fclose(stream);
    if (err != 0) SHOW_RESULT( fclose, err );

    CYG_TEST_INFO("open file /fseek");
    stream = fopen("/fseek", "r+");
    if (!stream) {
      diag_printf("<FAIL>: fopen() returned NULL, %s\n", strerror(errno));

    err = fread(buf1,sizeof(buf1),1, stream);
    if (err != 1) SHOW_RESULT( fread, err );
    CYG_TEST_INFO("Comparing contents");
    if (memcmp(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1))) {
      CYG_TEST_FAIL("File contents inconsistent");
    CYG_TEST_INFO("closing file");

    err = fclose(stream);
    if (err != 0) SHOW_RESULT( fclose, err );

    CYG_TEST_INFO("open file /fseek");
    stream = fopen("/fseek", "r+");
    if (!stream) {
      diag_printf("<FAIL>: fopen() returned NULL, %s\n", strerror(errno));

    CYG_TEST_INFO("fseek()ing past the end to create a hole");
    /* Seek 1K after the end of the file */
    err = fseek(stream, sizeof(buf), SEEK_END);
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( fseek, err );

    pos = ftell(stream);
    if (pos < 0) SHOW_RESULT( ftell, pos );
    if (pos != (2*sizeof(buf))) CYG_TEST_FAIL("ftell is not telling the truth");
    CYG_TEST_INFO("writing test pattern");    
    err=fwrite(buf,sizeof(buf), 1, stream);
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( fwrite, err );
    pos = ftell(stream);
    if (pos < 0) SHOW_RESULT( ftell, pos );
    if (pos != (3*sizeof(buf))) CYG_TEST_FAIL("ftell is not telling the truth");

    CYG_TEST_INFO("closing file");
    err = fclose(stream);
    if (err != 0) SHOW_RESULT( fclose, err );

    CYG_TEST_INFO("open file /fseek");
    stream = fopen("/fseek", "r+");
    if (!stream) {
      diag_printf("<FAIL>: fopen() returned NULL, %s\n", strerror(errno));
    err = fread(buf1,sizeof(buf1),1, stream);
    if (err != 1) SHOW_RESULT( fread, err );
    CYG_TEST_INFO("Comparing contents");
    if (memcmp(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1))) {
      CYG_TEST_FAIL("File contents inconsistent");

    err = fread(buf1,sizeof(buf1),1, stream);
    if (err != 1) SHOW_RESULT( fread, err );
    for (i = 0; i< sizeof(buf); i++) {
      if (buf1[i] != 0)
        CYG_TEST_FAIL("Hole does not contain zeros");
    err = fread(buf1,sizeof(buf1),1, stream);
    if (err != 1) SHOW_RESULT( fread, err );
    if (memcmp(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1))) {
      CYG_TEST_FAIL("File contents inconsistent");

    CYG_TEST_INFO("closing file");

    /* Close the file */
    err = fclose(stream);
    if (err != 0) SHOW_RESULT( fclose, err );
    CYG_TEST_INFO("umount /");    
    err = umount( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    

--- NEW FILE romfileio1.c ---
//      fileio1.c
//      Test fileio system
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s):           nickg
// Contributors:        nickg, richard.panton at
// Date:                2000-05-25
// Purpose:             Test fileio system
// Description:         This test uses the testfs to check out the initialization
//                      and basic operation of the fileio system

#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/kernel.h>
#include <pkgconf/io_fileio.h>

#include <cyg/kernel/ktypes.h>         // base kernel types
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_trac.h>        // tracing macros
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_ass.h>         // assertion macros
#include <cyg/io/flash.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>

#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>

#include <cyg/infra/testcase.h>
#include <cyg/infra/diag.h>            // HAL polled output

#include <pkgconf/fs_jffs3.h>	// Address of JFFS3


/* MTAB_ENTRY( jffs3_mte1,
                   (CYG_ADDRWORD) CYGNUM_FS_JFFS3_BASE_ADDRESS ); */


#define SHOW_RESULT( _fn, _res ) \
diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() returned %d %s\n", _res, _res<0?strerror(errno):"");

#define CHKFAIL_TYPE( _fn, _res, _type ) { \
if ( _res != -1 ) \
    diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() returned %d (expected -1)\n", _res); \
else if ( errno != _type ) \
    diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() failed with errno %d (%s),\n    expected %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno), _type, strerror(_type) ); \


#define IOSIZE  100

#define LONGNAME1       "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_1"
#define LONGNAME2       "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_2"



char *strcat( char *s1, const char *s2 )
    char *s = s1;
    while( *s1 ) s1++;
    while( (*s1++ = *s2++) != 0);
    return s;



static void listdir( char *name, int statp )
    int err;
    DIR *dirp;
    diag_printf("<INFO>: reading directory %s\n",name);
    dirp = opendir( name );
    if( dirp == NULL ) SHOW_RESULT( opendir, -1 );

        struct dirent *entry = readdir( dirp );
        if( entry == NULL )

        diag_printf("<INFO>: entry %14s",entry->d_name);
        if( statp )
            char fullname[PATH_MAX];
            struct stat sbuf;

            if( name[0] )
                strcpy(fullname, name );
                if( !(name[0] == '/' && name[1] == 0 ) )
                    strcat(fullname, "/" );
            else fullname[0] = 0;
            strcat(fullname, entry->d_name );
            err = stat( fullname, &sbuf );
            if( err < 0 )
                if( errno == ENOSYS )
                    diag_printf(" <no status available>");
                else SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );
                diag_printf(" [mode %08x ino %08x nlink %d size %d]",


    err = closedir( dirp );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );


static void copyfile( char *name2, char *name1 )

    int err;
    char buf[IOSIZE];
    int fd1, fd2;
    ssize_t done, wrote;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: copy file %s -> %s\n",name2,name1);

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err < 0 && errno != EACCES ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );

    err = access( name2, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    fd1 = open( name1, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT );
    if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );

    fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
        done = read( fd2, buf, IOSIZE );
        if( done < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done );

        if( done == 0 ) break;

        wrote = write( fd1, buf, done );
        if( wrote != done ) SHOW_RESULT( write, wrote );

        if( wrote != done ) break;

    err = close( fd1 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );

    err = close( fd2 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );


static void comparefiles( char *name2, char *name1 )
    int err;
    char buf1[IOSIZE];
    char buf2[IOSIZE];
    int fd1, fd2;
    ssize_t done1, done2;
    int i;

    diag_printf("<INFO>: compare files %s == %s\n",name2,name1);

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );

    err = access( name1, F_OK );
    if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
    fd1 = open( name1, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );

    fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
    if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
        done1 = read( fd1, buf1, IOSIZE );
        if( done1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done1 );

        done2 = read( fd2, buf2, IOSIZE );
        if( done2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done2 );

        if( done1 != done2 )
            diag_printf("Files different sizes\n");
        if( done1 == 0 ) break;

        for( i = 0; i < done1; i++ )
            if( buf1[i] != buf2[i] )
                diag_printf("buf1[%d](%02x) != buf1[%d](%02x)\n",i,buf1[i],i,buf2[i]);
                CYG_TEST_FAIL("Data in files not equal\n");

    err = close( fd1 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );

    err = close( fd2 );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );

// main

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int err;
    //    char address[16];


    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    err = mount( CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1, "/", "jffs3" );
    if ( err != ENOERR ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: JFFS3 root follows\n");
    diag_printf("<INFO>: Note that dev cannot be stat()ed\n");
    listdir( "/", true );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /etc\n" );
    err = chdir( "/etc" );
    if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: JFFS3 list of '' follows\n");
    listdir( "", true );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: JFFS3 list of /etc follows\n");
    listdir( "/etc", true );

    //diag_printf("<INFO>: JFFS3 list of . follows\n");
    //listdir( ".", true );
    err = mount( "", "/var", "ramfs" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );    

    copyfile( "/etc/passwd", "/var/passwd_copy" );

    comparefiles( "/etc/passwd", "/var/passwd_copy" );
    diag_printf("<INFO>: JFFS3 list of / follows\n");
    diag_printf("<INFO>: Note that /var now gives stat() info for RAMFS\n");
    listdir( "/", true );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: Mount JFFS3 again onto /mnt\n");
    //sprintf( address, "%p", (void*)CYGNUM_FS_JFFS3_BASE_ADDRESS );
    err = mount( CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1, "/mnt", "jffs3" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );    

    comparefiles( "/etc/passwd", "/mnt/etc/passwd" );

    err = mkdir( "/foo", 0 );
    CHKFAIL_TYPE( mkdir, err, EROFS );

    err = rename( "/var", "/tmp" );	// RAMFS is mounted here
    CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EXDEV );

    err = rename( "/var/passwd_copy", "/mnt/etc/passwd_copy" );
    CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EXDEV );

    err = rename( "/etc", "/tmp" );
    CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EROFS );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /etc\n");
    err = chdir( "/etc" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    err = chdir( "/mnt/etc" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );

    //listdir( ".", true );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink /tmp\n");        
    err = unlink( "/tmp" );
    CHKFAIL_TYPE( unlink, err, EROFS );

    diag_printf("<INFO>: mount random area\n");
    //sprintf(address, "%p", (void*)(CYGNUM_FS_JFFS3_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x20000));
    err = mount( "", "/tmp", "jffs3" );
    SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );

    err = umount( "/mnt" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    

    err = umount( "/var" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    

    err = umount( "/" );
    if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );    


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF fileio1.c

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