[PATCH RFC net-next] net: phylink: always config mac for (delayed) phy

Russell King (Oracle) linux at armlinux.org.uk
Thu Jan 9 01:15:59 PST 2025

On Thu, Jan 09, 2025 at 09:56:17AM +0100, Eric Woudstra wrote:
> So I've narrowed down the problem a bit:
> At first state->link is set to true, while looking at the bmsr.
> But because linkmode_test_bit(fd_bit, state->advertising) and
> linkmode_test_bit(fd_bit, state->lp_advertising) are both false,
> state->link is set to false after looking at the bmsr.

We shouldn't be getting that far if aneg isn't being used. The problem
is this is no longer sufficient:

        if (!state->link || !linkmode_test_bit(ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_Autoneg_BIT,

since whether we use aneg or not now depends on state other than just
the Autoneg bit. It isn't going to be a simple fix, because we need
the PCS neg_mode here, but we don't have it as an argument to the
.pcs_get_state() method. I'll look at what we can do for this today.

RMK's Patch system: https://www.armlinux.org.uk/developer/patches/
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