[PATCH 2/4] thermal/drivers/mediatek/lvts_thermal: Add mt8192 support

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Wed Mar 8 01:23:23 PST 2023

Il 07/03/23 17:34, bchihi at baylibre.com ha scritto:
> From: Balsam CHIHI <bchihi at baylibre.com>
> Add LVTS Driver support for MT8192.

Since you're changing that documentation twice now, you should split the
doc changes in a different commit: you will see the big picture if you
send just one series that introduces both MT8195-AP and MT8192 LVTS support.

You don't need two series for that anyway, so... please send both the new
MT8195 AP and MT8192 in a single series.


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