[PATCH v3 8/9] mailbox: mediatek: Add CMDQ secure mailbox driver

CK Hu (胡俊光) ck.hu at mediatek.com
Tue Dec 26 00:58:45 PST 2023

Hi, Jason:

On Fri, 2023-12-22 at 12:52 +0800, Jason-JH.Lin wrote:
> To support secure video path feature, GCE have to read/write
> registgers
> in the secure world. GCE will enable the secure access permission to
> the
> HW who wants to access the secure content buffer.
> Add CMDQ secure mailbox driver to make CMDQ client user is able to
> sending their HW settings to the secure world. So that GCE can
> execute
> all instructions to configure HW in the secure world.
> Signed-off-by: Jason-JH.Lin <jason-jh.lin at mediatek.com>
> ---


> +
> +static int cmdq_sec_fill_iwc_msg(struct cmdq_sec_context *context,
> +				 struct cmdq_sec_task *sec_task, u32
> thrd_idx)
> +{
> +	struct iwc_cmdq_message_t *iwc_msg = NULL;
> +	struct cmdq_sec_data *data = (struct cmdq_sec_data *)sec_task-
> >task.pkt->sec_data;
> +	u32 size = 0, offset = 0, *instr;
> +
> +	iwc_msg = (struct iwc_cmdq_message_t *)context->iwc_msg;
> +
> +	if (sec_task->task.pkt->cmd_buf_size + 4 * CMDQ_INST_SIZE >
> +		pr_err("sec_task:%p size:%zu > %u",
> +		       sec_task, sec_task->task.pkt->cmd_buf_size,
> +		return -EFAULT;
> +	}
> +
> +	if (thrd_idx == CMDQ_INVALID_THREAD) {
> +		iwc_msg->command.cmd_size = 0;
> +		iwc_msg->command.metadata.addr_list_length = 0;
> +		return -EINVAL;
> +	}
> +
> +	iwc_msg->command.thread = thrd_idx;
> +	iwc_msg->command.scenario = sec_task->scenario;
> +	iwc_msg->command.eng_flag = sec_task->engine_flag;
> +	size = sec_task->task.pkt->cmd_buf_size;
> +	memcpy(iwc_msg->command.va_base + offset, sec_task->task.pkt-
> >va_base, size);

I think it's not necessary to copy from normal command buffer to normal
command buffer. Just

iwc_msg->command.va_base = sec_task->task.pkt->va_base;

You have a secure command buffer for secure gce to execute command. If
you want to modify command buffer, copy from normal command buffer to
secure command buffer, and modify the secure command buffer.


> +	iwc_msg->command.cmd_size += size;
> +	offset += size / 4;
> +
> +	instr = &iwc_msg->command.va_base[iwc_msg->command.cmd_size / 4
> - 4];
> +	if ((u64)*instr == CMDQ_EOC_CMD)
> +		instr[0] = 0;
> +	else
> +		pr_err("%s %d: find EOC failed: %#x %#x",
> +		       __func__, __LINE__, instr[1], instr[0]);
> +
> +	iwc_msg->command.wait_cookie = sec_task->wait_cookie;
> +	iwc_msg->command.reset_exec = sec_task->reset_exec;
> +
> +	if (data->addr_metadata_cnt) {
> +		iwc_msg->command.metadata.addr_list_length = data-
> >addr_metadata_cnt;
> +		memcpy(iwc_msg->command.metadata.addr_list,
> +		       (u32 *)(unsigned long)data->addr_metadatas,
> +		       data->addr_metadata_cnt * sizeof(struct
> iwc_cmdq_addr_metadata_t));
> +	}
> +
> +	iwc_msg->command.metadata.engs_need_dapc = data-
> >engs_need_dapc;
> +	iwc_msg->command.metadata.engs_need_sec_port = data-
> >engs_need_sec_port;
> +	iwc_msg->command.normal_task_handle = (unsigned long)sec_task-
> >task.pkt;
> +
> +	return 0;
> +}
> +

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