Config REGULATOR_MTK_DVFSR depends on the non-existing config MTK_DVFSRC

Lukas Bulwahn lukas.bulwahn at
Wed Dec 22 01:24:58 PST 2021

Dear Henry,

In commit a0db6b0aa670 ("regulator: Regulator driver for the Mediatek
DVFSRC"), you have added the MediaTek DVFSRC regulator driver with the
config REGULATOR_MTK_DVFSR, which depends on the non-existing config

However, the config MTK_DVFSRC was never introduced in the kernel
repository so far. This makes this whole driver effectively dead code
in the repository.

Do you intend to add a further config MTK_DVFSRC for this driver to be
compiled or can we simply drop this dead driver code?

Best regards,


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