[PATCH 4/4] soc: mediatek: mmsys: Use an array for setting the routing registers

Chun-Kuang Hu chunkuang.hu at kernel.org
Tue Oct 6 20:02:17 EDT 2020

Enric Balletbo i Serra <enric.balletbo at collabora.com> 於 2020年10月7日 週三 上午3:33寫道:
> From: CK Hu <ck.hu at mediatek.com>
> Actually, setting the registers for routing, use multiple 'if-else' for different
> routes, but this code would be more and more complicated while we
> support more and more SoCs. Change that and use a table per SoC so the
> code will be more portable and clear.

Reviewed-by: Chun-Kuang Hu <chunkuang.hu at kernel.org>

> Signed-off-by: CK Hu <ck.hu at mediatek.com>
> Signed-off-by: Enric Balletbo i Serra <enric.balletbo at collabora.com>
> ---
>  drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-mmsys.c | 393 +++++++++++++++++--------------
>  1 file changed, 210 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

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