How hard is it to get Linux on this machine?

Martin Guy martinwguy at
Sat Jun 5 06:10:11 EDT 2010

> On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Tom Watson <sdc695 at> wrote:
>  > I was "prospecting" around on eBay and saw this:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > It is an ARM based "netbook" that looks REAL CHEAP.  My big question is the problems that might be encountered in making Linux function on this item.  Not having bought one of these yet, I ask the question here.
>  >
>  > Is there any hope, or should I just gracefully walk away with knowledge that the task is not worth the trouble.
>  >
> Well, until you figure out the processor within it, the developer manual for
>  that processor, and the components/board schematics such things (some
>  can be guessed actually, but do requires experience).
>  Well, maybe it's already supported, we just don't know that :-)

Two minute's googling...

it's based in the VIA-8500 System On Chip, with an ARM-9 series CPU at
1.86GHz and 128MB RAM, running Windows CE.
The machine parameters are fine for a Linux=based system, but there is
currently no mention of this system-on-chip device in the linux
kernel, so at the moment you'd be writing all its device drivers

Mind you, at 73$ someone will probablu rise to the challenge


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