Using ARM inline assembly, how can I ask gcc to put a variable into a designated register?

LiMing myfavor_linux at
Thu Feb 11 03:01:56 EST 2010

Dear all,
Using ARM inline assembly, how can I ask gcc to put a variable into a designated  register?
For example: on X86 architechure,
int foo(int x, int y)
           int z = x + y;
           printf("foo:  x = %d  y= %d\n ", x, y);
           return z;
void call_foo(void)
         int result;
         int arg1 =1, arg2=2;         
         asm("foo" : "=r"(result) : "a"(arg1),"d"(arg2));
         printf("call_foo result = %d\n",result);       

In function call_foo, gcc will put arg1 into eax and arg2 into edx.
On ARM architechure, How can I ask arm gcc to put arg1 into r0 and arg2 into r1?
please help me what to do.

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