Dear Sir,<br><br>I am using leopard board DM368 evaluation board &
TI- DVSDK_dm368-evm_4_01_00_09 as my sdk,currently installed OS is
Ubuntu 10.04 lts.<br><br><br>I have installed UBUNTU on virtual machine.<br><br>My
evaluation board is booting with monta vista professional 5.0 edition
on windows xp hyper-terminal . But the problem is that there is no
response of the board over minicom in linux.I have checked all the
<br>It is always hanging up.What should I do so that the board boots with linux so that I can carry out my work.<br><br>Hoping for a quick response.<br><br>Thanks and Regards.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Vivek Verma(91-9555144833)<br>