[PATCH v2 00/10] drm: Add new pixel formats for Xilinx Zynqmp
Dmitry Baryshkov
dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org
Wed Jan 15 03:13:49 PST 2025
On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 11:03:29AM +0200, Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
> Add new DRM pixel formats and add support for those in the Xilinx zynqmp
> display driver.
> All of these formats are already supported in upstream gstreamer, except
> in the gstreamer kmssink, which obviously cannot support the formats
> without kernel having the formats.
> Xilinx has support for these formats in their BSP kernel, and Xilinx has
> a branch here, adding the support to gstreamer kmssink:
> https://github.com/Xilinx/gst-plugins-bad.git xlnx-rebase-v1.18.5
> New formats added:
> - 8-bit Y-only
> - fourcc: "GREY"
> - gstreamer: GRAY8
> - 10-bit Y-only
> - fourcc: "YPA4"
> - gstreamer: GRAY10_LE32
> - Like NV12, but with 10-bit components
> - fourcc: "XV15"
> - gstreamer: NV12_10LE32
> - Like NV16, but with 10-bit components
> - fourcc: "XV20"
> - gstreamer: NV16_10LE32
> - 10-bit 4:4:4
> - fourcc: "X403"
> - gstreamer: Y444_10LE32
Could you possibly add support for those formats to the modetest util?
> Some notes:
> I know the 8-bit greyscale format has been discussed before, and the
> guidance was to use DRM_FORMAT_R8. While I'm not totally against that, I
> would argue that adding DRM_FORMAT_Y8 makes sense, as: 1) we can mark it
> as 'is_yuv' in the drm_format_info, 2) we can have the same fourcc as in
> v4l2, 3) it makes more sense for the user to use Y8/GREY format instead
> of R8.
> Also, if we go with DRM_FORMAT_R8, then I think it would make sense to
> also add the 10-bit grayscale version as R10, instead of Y10, and it
> would also have to have 'is_yuv' false, and I feel that would just
> create even more confusion.
> I have made some adjustments to the formats compared to the Xilinx's
> branch. E.g. The DRM_FORMAT_Y10_LE32 format in Xilinx's kmssink uses
> fourcc "Y10 ", and DRM_FORMAT_Y10. I didn't like those, as the format is
> a packed format, three 10-bit pixels in a 32-bit container, and I think
> Y10 means a 10-bit pixel in a 16-bit container.
> Generally speaking, if someone has good ideas for the format define
> names or fourccs, speak up, as it's not easy to invent good names =).
> That said, keeping them the same as in the Xilinx trees will, of course,
> be slightly easier for the users of Xilinx platforms.
> There's also a bit unrelated path on top, fixing the missing max dma
> seegment size in the zynqmp driver which I encountered while testing
> these.
> Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
> ---
> Changes in v2:
> - I noticed V4L2 already has fourcc Y10P, referring to MIPI-style packed
> Y10 format. So I changed Y10_LE32 fourcc to YPA4. If logic has any
> relevance here, P means packed, A means 10, 4 means "in 4 bytes".
> - Added tags to "Fix max dma segment size" patch
> - Updated description for "Add warning for bad bpp"
> - Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20241204-xilinx-formats-v1-0-0bf2c5147db1@ideasonboard.com
> ---
> Tomi Valkeinen (10):
> drm/fourcc: Add warning for bad bpp
> drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_XV15/XV20
> drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_Y8
> drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_Y10_LE32
> drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_X403
> drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Use drm helpers when calculating buffer sizes
> drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for XV15 & XV20
> drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for Y8 and Y10_LE32
> drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for X403
> drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Fix max dma segment size
> drivers/gpu/drm/drm_fourcc.c | 24 ++++++++++++++++++
> drivers/gpu/drm/xlnx/zynqmp_disp.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
> drivers/gpu/drm/xlnx/zynqmp_dpsub.c | 2 ++
> include/uapi/drm/drm_fourcc.h | 20 +++++++++++++++
> 4 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> ---
> base-commit: adc218676eef25575469234709c2d87185ca223a
> change-id: 20241120-xilinx-formats-f71901621833
> Best regards,
> --
> Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
With best wishes
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