[PATCH v2 00/10] drm: Add new pixel formats for Xilinx Zynqmp

Tomi Valkeinen tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com
Wed Jan 15 01:03:29 PST 2025

Add new DRM pixel formats and add support for those in the Xilinx zynqmp
display driver.

All of these formats are already supported in upstream gstreamer, except
in the gstreamer kmssink, which obviously cannot support the formats
without kernel having the formats.

Xilinx has support for these formats in their BSP kernel, and Xilinx has
a branch here, adding the support to gstreamer kmssink:

https://github.com/Xilinx/gst-plugins-bad.git xlnx-rebase-v1.18.5

New formats added:

- 8-bit Y-only
- fourcc: "GREY"
- gstreamer: GRAY8

- 10-bit Y-only
- fourcc: "YPA4"
- gstreamer: GRAY10_LE32

- Like NV12, but with 10-bit components
- fourcc: "XV15"
- gstreamer: NV12_10LE32

- Like NV16, but with 10-bit components
- fourcc: "XV20"
- gstreamer: NV16_10LE32

- 10-bit 4:4:4
- fourcc: "X403"
- gstreamer: Y444_10LE32

Some notes:

I know the 8-bit greyscale format has been discussed before, and the
guidance was to use DRM_FORMAT_R8. While I'm not totally against that, I
would argue that adding DRM_FORMAT_Y8 makes sense, as: 1) we can mark it
as 'is_yuv' in the drm_format_info, 2) we can have the same fourcc as in
v4l2, 3) it makes more sense for the user to use Y8/GREY format instead
of R8.

Also, if we go with DRM_FORMAT_R8, then I think it would make sense to
also add the 10-bit grayscale version as R10, instead of Y10, and it
would also have to have 'is_yuv' false, and I feel that would just
create even more confusion.

I have made some adjustments to the formats compared to the Xilinx's
branch. E.g. The DRM_FORMAT_Y10_LE32 format in Xilinx's kmssink uses
fourcc "Y10 ", and DRM_FORMAT_Y10. I didn't like those, as the format is
a packed format, three 10-bit pixels in a 32-bit container, and I think
Y10 means a 10-bit pixel in a 16-bit container.

Generally speaking, if someone has good ideas for the format define
names or fourccs, speak up, as it's not easy to invent good names =).
That said, keeping them the same as in the Xilinx trees will, of course,
be slightly easier for the users of Xilinx platforms.

There's also a bit unrelated path on top, fixing the missing max dma
seegment size in the zynqmp driver which I encountered while testing

Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>
Changes in v2:
- I noticed V4L2 already has fourcc Y10P, referring to MIPI-style packed
  Y10 format. So I changed Y10_LE32 fourcc to YPA4. If logic has any
  relevance here, P means packed, A means 10, 4 means "in 4 bytes".
- Added tags to "Fix max dma segment size" patch
- Updated description for "Add warning for bad bpp"
- Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20241204-xilinx-formats-v1-0-0bf2c5147db1@ideasonboard.com

Tomi Valkeinen (10):
      drm/fourcc: Add warning for bad bpp
      drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_XV15/XV20
      drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_Y8
      drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_Y10_LE32
      drm/fourcc: Add DRM_FORMAT_X403
      drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Use drm helpers when calculating buffer sizes
      drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for XV15 & XV20
      drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for Y8 and Y10_LE32
      drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Add support for X403
      drm: xlnx: zynqmp: Fix max dma segment size

 drivers/gpu/drm/drm_fourcc.c        | 24 ++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/xlnx/zynqmp_disp.c  | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 drivers/gpu/drm/xlnx/zynqmp_dpsub.c |  2 ++
 include/uapi/drm/drm_fourcc.h       | 20 +++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
base-commit: adc218676eef25575469234709c2d87185ca223a
change-id: 20241120-xilinx-formats-f71901621833

Best regards,
Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen at ideasonboard.com>

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