[PATCH v3 1/4] dt-bindings: clock: convert stm32 rcc bindings to json-schema

Krzysztof Kozlowski krzysztof.kozlowski at linaro.org
Tue Jan 14 04:10:30 PST 2025

On 14/01/2025 12:25, Dario Binacchi wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 11:13 AM Krzysztof Kozlowski
> <krzysztof.kozlowski at linaro.org> wrote:
>> On 14/01/2025 11:00, Dario Binacchi wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 10:48 AM Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk at kernel.org> wrote:
>>>> On 14/01/2025 10:36, Dario Binacchi wrote:
>>>>>> Nothing improved here.
>>>>> In my humble opinion, there is nothing to improve. Any modification
>>>>> made causes the tests to fail.
>>>>> $ git grep st,stm32f746-rcc arch/
>>>>> arch/arm/boot/dts/st/stm32f746.dtsi:                    compatible =
>>>>> "st,stm32f746-rcc", "st,stm32-rcc";
>>>>> arch/arm/boot/dts/st/stm32f769-disco.dts:       compatible =
>>>>> "st,stm32f769-rcc", "st,stm32f746-rcc", "st,stm32-rcc";
>>>>> Or am I missing something?
>>>> How can I know what you are missing if you do not show the code?
>>> Sorry, but I still can't understand. I run multiple tests, trying to
>> You don't understand that I cannot improve your code if I do not see the
>> code? So let me rephrase: In order to tell what is wrong with some sort
>> of code, I need to see it. I cannot tell what is wrong with code without
>> seeing it.
> You told me that this code was not exactly correct for the parts
> marked with *********:

All places with same fallbacks should be unified. You have at least two
of such groups.

> properties:
>   compatible:
>     oneOf:
>       - items:
>           - const: st,stm32f42xx-rcc
>           - const: st,stm32-rcc
>       - items:
>           - enum:
>               - st,stm32f469-rcc
>           - const: st,stm32f42xx-rcc
>           - const: st,stm32-rcc
>       - items:
>           - const: st,stm32f746-rcc ********
>           - const: st,stm32-rcc
>       - items:
>           - enum:
>               - st,stm32f769-rcc
>           - const: st,stm32f746-rcc
>           - const: st,stm32-rcc
>       - items:
>           - const: st,stm32h743-rcc *********
>           - const: st,stm32-rcc
> I haven't found a way to make changes to those elements without causing the
> tests to fail. Could you kindly provide more explicit guidance on the kind of
> modification you're expecting?

  - enum:
      - foo
      - bar
   - const: baz

Like I said: all Qcom bindings. Probably all NXP as well.

Best regards,

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