[PATCH v6 3/3] arm64: dts: rockchip: add dts for Ariaboard Photonicat RK3568

Junhao Xie bigfoot at classfun.cn
Mon Jan 13 00:18:19 PST 2025

On 2025/1/13 12:25, Dragan Simic wrote:
> Hello Junhao,
> On 2025-01-12 23:16, Junhao Xie wrote:
>> On 2025/1/12 16:47, Dragan Simic wrote:
>>> On 2025-01-12 08:33, Junhao Xie wrote:
>>>> Add dts for Ariaboard Photonicat RK3568.
>>>> Working IO:
>>>>     Debug UART
>>>>     SDIO QCA9377 WiFi and Bluetooth
>>>>     M.2 E-Key PCIe WiFi and Bluetooth
>>>>     M.2 B-Key USB Modem WWAN
>>>>     Ethernet WAN Port
>>>>     MicroSD Card slot
>>>>     eMMC
>>>>     HDMI Output
>>>>     Mali GPU
>>>>     USB Type-A
>>>> Not working IO:
>>>>     Ethernet LAN Port (Lack of SGMII support)
>>>>     Power management MCU on UART4 (Driver pending)
>>>> Not working IO in MCU:
>>>>     Battery voltage sensor
>>>>     Board temperature sensor
>>>>     Hardware Power-off
>>>>     Hardware Watchdog
>>>>     Network status LED
>>>>     Real-time clock
>>>>     USB Charger voltage sensor
>>>> About onboard power management MCU:
>>>>     A heartbeat must be sent to the MCU within 60 seconds,
>>>>     otherwise the MCU will restart the system.
>>>>     When powering off, a shutdown command needs to be sent to the MCU.
>>>>     When the power button is long pressed, the MCU will send a shutdown
>>>>     command to the system. If system does not shutdown within 60 seconds,
>>>>     the power will be turned off directly.
>>>>     MCU only provides voltage for charger and battery.
>>>>     Manufacturer removed RK8xx PMIC.
>>> Unless the design of the board is proprietary, it would be good
>>> to provide a link to the board schematic, for those interested
>>> in verifying the board DT file.
>>> As a note, I already tried to find the board schematic with no
>>> success, so the design might be proprietary.
>> Yes, this board is proprietary. I asked the manufacturer and
>> they don't provide schematics.
>> But I found a partial schematic diagram of some of connectors
>> on the board here
>> https://dl.ariaboard.com/photonicat_rk3568/Photonicat%20rk3568%20EVB%20Board%20spec.pdf
> Yes, I also found that PDF file.  It's somewhat similar to what
> Raspberry Pi provides with its reduced schematics -- helpful to
> an extent, but still leaving a lot to be desired.
> Out of curiosity, what did you actually use as a reference to create
> the board dts file?  Perhaps some downstream dts file provided by
> the manufacturer or found in some operating system image?

I wrote this device tree based on other rk3568 devices in mainline, and downstream board dts:

Best regards,

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