[PATCH] v1 pinctrl: mtk-eint: add eint new design for mt8196

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Tue Jan 7 07:54:27 PST 2025

Il 07/01/25 16:11, Linus Walleij ha scritto:
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 1:39 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
> <angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com> wrote:
>> Il 17/12/24 14:45, Linus Walleij ha scritto:
>>> Hi Chang,
>>> thanks for your patch!
>>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 2:13 PM chang hao <ot_chhao.chang at mediatek.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Chhao Chang <ot_chhao.chang at mediatek.com>
>>>> Change 1: change EINT from 1 address to 5 addresses,
>>>> Eint number is stored on each base.
>>>> Change 2: Compatible with 1 address design
>>>> Signed-off-by: Chhao Chang <ot_chhao.chang at mediatek.com>
>>> This patch looks good to me, as preparation for mt8196,
>>> but can one of the Mediatek experts please
>>> review it? If nothing happens I will just apply it I guess...
>> Linus, that's something like the fourth time that he pushes variations of this
>> patch which do break all MediaTek SoCs in a way or another, leaving only MT8196
>> hopefully-functional.
> That's unfortunate, and I see there is some annoyance building
> up.
> The maintainers are here to protect the code and the change
> would have anyway just been reverted soon if it breaks stuff.
> How can we get this contribution on a better path?
> Chhao: maybe you can split your idea into smaller changes
> that can be reviewed and tested one by one?

Splitting would be nice, but I'm not sure it's really doable... besides,
there's only one way to get this right: testing on older platforms!

Even just one done manually, like MT8173, would be fine - the others can be
tested in KernelCI as we do have many MTK SoCs in the lab.
Then it's just about following the review process and adding the suggested
changes - nothing in particular.

Besides, I'm sorry for the very (maybe too much!) "strong" reply :-)


> Yours,
> Linus Walleij

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