[Linaro-mm-sig] Re: [RFC PATCH 0/4] Linaro restricted heap

Sumit Garg sumit.garg at linaro.org
Thu Sep 26 06:52:59 PDT 2024

[Resend in plain text format as my earlier message was rejected by
some mailing lists]

On Thu, 26 Sept 2024 at 19:17, Sumit Garg <sumit.garg at linaro.org> wrote:
> On 9/25/24 19:31, Christian König wrote:
> Am 25.09.24 um 14:51 schrieb Dmitry Baryshkov:
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 10:51:15AM GMT, Christian König wrote:
> Am 25.09.24 um 01:05 schrieb Dmitry Baryshkov:
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 01:13:18PM GMT, Andrew Davis wrote:
> On 9/23/24 1:33 AM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 09:03:47AM GMT, Jens Wiklander wrote:
> Hi,
> This patch set is based on top of Yong Wu's restricted heap patch set [1].
> It's also a continuation on Olivier's Add dma-buf secure-heap patch set [2].
> The Linaro restricted heap uses genalloc in the kernel to manage the heap
> carvout. This is a difference from the Mediatek restricted heap which
> relies on the secure world to manage the carveout.
> I've tried to adress the comments on [2], but [1] introduces changes so I'm
> afraid I've had to skip some comments.
> I know I have raised the same question during LPC (in connection to
> Qualcomm's dma-heap implementation). Is there any reason why we are
> using generic heaps instead of allocating the dma-bufs on the device
> side?
> In your case you already have TEE device, you can use it to allocate and
> export dma-bufs, which then get imported by the V4L and DRM drivers.
> This goes to the heart of why we have dma-heaps in the first place.
> We don't want to burden userspace with having to figure out the right
> place to get a dma-buf for a given use-case on a given hardware.
> That would be very non-portable, and fail at the core purpose of
> a kernel: to abstract hardware specifics away.
> Unfortunately all proposals to use dma-buf heaps were moving in the
> described direction: let app select (somehow) from a platform- and
> vendor- specific list of dma-buf heaps. In the kernel we at least know
> the platform on which the system is running. Userspace generally doesn't
> (and shouldn't). As such, it seems better to me to keep the knowledge in
> the kernel and allow userspace do its job by calling into existing
> device drivers.
> The idea of letting the kernel fully abstract away the complexity of inter
> device data exchange is a completely failed design. There has been plenty of
> evidence for that over the years.
> Because of this in DMA-buf it's an intentional design decision that
> userspace and *not* the kernel decides where and what to allocate from.
> Hmm, ok.
> What the kernel should provide are the necessary information what type of
> memory a device can work with and if certain memory is accessible or not.
> This is the part which is unfortunately still not well defined nor
> implemented at the moment.
> Apart from that there are a whole bunch of intentional design decision which
> should prevent developers to move allocation decision inside the kernel. For
> example DMA-buf doesn't know what the content of the buffer is (except for
> it's total size) and which use cases a buffer will be used with.
> So the question if memory should be exposed through DMA-heaps or a driver
> specific allocator is not a question of abstraction, but rather one of the
> physical location and accessibility of the memory.
> If the memory is attached to any physical device, e.g. local memory on a
> dGPU, FPGA PCIe BAR, RDMA, camera internal memory etc, then expose the
> memory as device specific allocator.
> So, for embedded systems with unified memory all buffers (maybe except
> PCIe BARs) should come from DMA-BUF heaps, correct?
> From what I know that is correct, yes. Question is really if that will stay this way.
> Neural accelerators look a lot stripped down FPGAs these days and the benefit of local memory for GPUs is known for decades.
> Could be that designs with local specialized memory see a revival any time, who knows.
> If the memory is not physically attached to any device, but rather just
> memory attached to the CPU or a system wide memory controller then expose
> the memory as DMA-heap with specific requirements (e.g. certain sized pages,
> contiguous, restricted, encrypted, ...).
> Is encrypted / protected a part of the allocation contract or should it
> be enforced separately via a call to TEE / SCM / anything else?
> Well that is a really good question I can't fully answer either. From what I know now I would say it depends on the design.

IMHO, I think Dmitry's proposal to rather allow the TEE device to be
the allocator and exporter of DMA-bufs related to restricted memory
makes sense to me. Since it's really the TEE implementation (OP-TEE,
AMD-TEE, TS-TEE or future QTEE) which sets up the restrictions on a
particular piece of allocated memory. AFAIK, that happens after the
DMA-buf gets allocated and then user-space calls into TEE to set up
which media pipeline is going to access that particular DMA-buf. It
can also be a static contract depending on a particular platform

As Jens noted in the other thread, we already manage shared memory
allocations (from a static carve-out or dynamically mapped) for
communications among Linux and TEE that were based on DMA-bufs earlier
but since we didn't required them to be shared with other devices, so
we rather switched to anonymous memory.

>From user-space perspective, it's cleaner to use TEE device IOCTLs for
DMA-buf allocations since it already knows which underlying TEE
implementation it's communicating with rather than first figuring out
which DMA heap to use for allocation and then communicating with TEE


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