[PATCH 2/2] dt-bindings: mmc: mtk-sd: Add support for MT8196

Andy-ld Lu andy-ld.lu at mediatek.com
Thu Sep 26 00:03:18 PDT 2024

Extend the devicetree bindings to include the MT8196 mmc controller
by adding the compatible string 'mediatek,msdc-v2', which could be
also used for future compatible SoCs that support new tx/rx.

Add three properties for MT8196 settings:
- 'mediatek,prohibit-gate-cg', indicate if the source clock CG could
  be disabled when CPU access IP registers.

- 'mediatek,stop-dly-sel', configure read data clock stops at block gap.

- 'mediatek,pop-en-cnt', configure the margins of write and read
  pointers while begin to pop data transfer.

Signed-off-by: Andy-ld Lu <andy-ld.lu at mediatek.com>
 .../devicetree/bindings/mmc/mtk-sd.yaml       | 26 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mmc/mtk-sd.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mmc/mtk-sd.yaml
index c532ec92d2d9..82d1a9fac67c 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mmc/mtk-sd.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mmc/mtk-sd.yaml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ properties:
           - mediatek,mt8173-mmc
           - mediatek,mt8183-mmc
           - mediatek,mt8516-mmc
+          - mediatek,msdc-v2
       - items:
           - const: mediatek,mt7623-mmc
           - const: mediatek,mt2701-mmc
@@ -154,6 +155,30 @@ properties:
     enum: [32, 64]
     default: 32
+  mediatek,stop-dly-sel:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    description:
+      Some SoCs need to set appropriate stop-dly-sel to configure read data clock
+      stops at block gap. The valid range is from 0 to 0xf.
+    minimum: 0
+    maximum: 0xf
+  mediatek,pop-en-cnt:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    description:
+      Some SoCs need to set appropriate pop-en-cnt to configure the margins of write
+      and read pointers while begin to pop data transfer. The valid range is from 0
+      to 0xf.
+    minimum: 0
+    maximum: 0xf
+  mediatek,prohibit-gate-cg:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/flag
+    description:
+      Decide if source clock CG could be disabled when CPU access IP registers.
+      If present, source clock CG could not be disabled.
+      If not present, source clock CG could be disabled.
     maxItems: 1
@@ -191,6 +216,7 @@ allOf:
             - mediatek,mt8188-mmc
             - mediatek,mt8195-mmc
             - mediatek,mt8516-mmc
+            - mediatek,msdc-v2

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