[PATCH v19 1/2] ARM: dts: aspeed: yosemite4: Revise i2c-mux devices

Andrew Jeffery andrew at codeconstruct.com.au
Sun Sep 22 18:01:47 PDT 2024

On Fri, 2024-09-20 at 15:04 +0800, Delphine CC Chiu wrote:
> From: Ricky CX Wu <ricky.cx.wu.wiwynn at gmail.com>
> Revise Yosemite 4 devicetree for devices behind i2c-mux
> - Add gpio and eeprom behind i2c-mux
> - Remove redundant idle-state setting for i2c-mux
> - Revise address of max31790 devices after i2c-mux.
> - Fix warnings reporting by dts checking tool.

Can you be more specific here? If you've had to fix existing warnings
that the devicetree produces you should split those out into commits
separate from adding further nodes. Instead, if you're just fixing
warnings that this patch itself introduced then you should drop this
comment as it's just a process issue. Process issues are better
described in the patch notes or series cover letter, not in the commit

Generally if you feel you have to list the changes you're making in the
commit message for a single patch, it's a sign that you patch should be
split into multiple commits anyway.

> - Remove led_gpio pca9552 since there is no binding document.
> Signed-off-by: Ricky CX Wu <ricky.cx.wu.wiwynn at gmail.com>
> Signed-off-by: Delphine CC Chiu <Delphine_CC_Chiu at wiwynn.com>
> ---
>  .../aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-yosemite4.dts  | 539 +++++++++++++++---
>  1 file changed, 466 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-yosemite4.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-yosemite4.dts
> index 98477792aa00..6b4efb5fbd83 100644
> --- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-yosemite4.dts
> +++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed/aspeed-bmc-facebook-yosemite4.dts


>  &i2c11 {
>  	status = "okay";
>  	power-sensor at 10 {
> -		compatible = "adi, adm1272";
> +		compatible = "adi,adm1272";
>  		reg = <0x10>;
>  	};
>  	power-sensor at 12 {
> -		compatible = "adi, adm1272";
> +		compatible = "adi,adm1272";
>  		reg = <0x12>;
>  	};

Can you please split the adm1272 compatible changes out to a separate
patch and include an appropriate Fixes: tag?


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