[PATCH v4 3/3] arm64: dts: rockchip: add dts for Ariaboard Photonicat RK3568
Junhao Xie
bigfoot at classfun.cn
Sat Sep 21 06:27:35 PDT 2024
On 2024/9/19 22:52, Jonas Karlman wrote:
> Hi Junhao,
>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_ROCKCHIP) += rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dtb
>> +dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_ROCKCHIP) += rk3568-photonicat.dtb
> This should probably be added where the rest of rk3568 dtb is located,
> not with the rk3588 ones.
Thanks for your reminder, I made a mistake in the order when renaming dts, I will fix it
>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_ROCKCHIP) += rk3588-quartzpro64.dtb
>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_ROCKCHIP) += rk3588-rock-5-itx.dtb
>> dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_ROCKCHIP) += rk3588-rock-5b.dtb
>> +
>> +&gmac0 {
>> + status = "disabled";
>> + /* Motorcomm YT8521SC LAN port (require SGMII) */
> nit: Please be consistent where comments is added, for recgulators above
> the comments is above the node, suggest you move the comment above the
> "&gmac0 {" line, and same for similar comments.
I will edit it. This looks better:
/* Motorcomm YT8521SC LAN port (require SGMII) */
&gmac0 {
status = "disabled";
>> +};
>> +
>> +&gmac1 {
>> + assigned-clocks = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RX_TX>, <&cru SCLK_GMAC1>;
>> + assigned-clock-parents = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RGMII_SPEED>;
>> + assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <125000000>;
>> + clock_in_out = "output";
>> + phy-handle = <&rgmii_phy1>;
>> + phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
>> + phy-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
>> + pinctrl-names = "default";
>> + pinctrl-0 = <&gmac1m1_miim
>> + &gmac1m1_tx_bus2
>> + &gmac1m1_rx_bus2
>> + &gmac1m1_rgmii_clk
>> + &gmac1m1_rgmii_bus>;
>> + snps,reset-gpio = <&gpio4 RK_PC0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
>> + snps,reset-active-low;
>> + snps,reset-delays-us = <0 20000 100000>;
> The snps,reset props is deprecated use resets props in phy node instad.
I edited it and it works fine, is the following correct to write?
/* Motorcomm YT8521SC WAN port */
&gmac1 {
assigned-clocks = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RX_TX>, <&cru SCLK_GMAC1>;
assigned-clock-parents = <&cru SCLK_GMAC1_RGMII_SPEED>;
assigned-clock-rates = <0>, <125000000>;
clock_in_out = "output";
phy-handle = <&rgmii_phy1>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
phy-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&gmac1m1_miim
tx_delay = <0>;
rx_delay = <0>;
status = "okay";
&mdio1 {
rgmii_phy1: ethernet-phy at 0 {
compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22";
reg = <0x0>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <ð1_phy_rst>;
reset-assert-us = <20000>;
reset-deassert-us = <100000>;
reset-gpios = <&gpio4 RK_PC0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
rx-internal-delay-ps = <1500>;
tx-internal-delay-ps = <1500>;
&pinctrl {
ethernet {
eth1_phy_rst: eth1_phy_rst {
rockchip,pins = <4 RK_PC0 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>;
>> + status = "okay";
>> + /* Motorcomm YT8521SC WAN port */
>> +};
>> +&sdhci {
>> + bus-width = <8>;
>> + max-frequency = <200000000>;
> Can be dropped, already in base dtsi.
max-frequency is not in sdhci node of rk356x.dtsi and rk3568.dtsi.
I simply removed the max-frequency and it worked fine.
Can it really be removed?
>> + mmc-hs200-1_8v;
>> + non-removable;
>> + pinctrl-names = "default";
>> + pinctrl-0 = <&emmc_bus8 &emmc_clk &emmc_cmd>;
>> + vmmc-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
>> + vqmmc-supply = <&vcc_1v8>;
>> + status = "okay";
>> + /* eMMC */
>> +};
Thanks for your review, I will fix all problems in next version!
Best regards,
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