[PATCH v14 5/6] iommu/arm-smmu: add ACTLR data and support for SC7280

Bibek Kumar Patro quic_bibekkum at quicinc.com
Fri Sep 20 12:58:43 PDT 2024

On 9/3/2024 6:43 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Sept 2024 at 15:59, Bibek Kumar Patro
> <quic_bibekkum at quicinc.com> wrote:
>> On 8/30/2024 6:01 PM, Robin Murphy wrote:
>>> On 30/08/2024 11:00 am, Bibek Kumar Patro wrote:
>>>> On 8/27/2024 6:17 PM, Will Deacon wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 04:33:24PM +0530, Bibek Kumar Patro wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/23/2024 9:29 PM, Will Deacon wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 11:12:58PM +0530, Bibek Kumar Patro wrote:
>>>>>>>> Add ACTLR data table for SC7280 along with support for
>>>>>>>> same including SC7280 specific implementation operations.
>>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Bibek Kumar Patro <quic_bibekkum at quicinc.com>
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>     drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu/arm-smmu-qcom.c | 58
>>>>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>>>>>>     1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu/arm-smmu-qcom.c
>>>>>>>> b/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu/arm-smmu-qcom.c
>>>>>>>> index dc143b250704..a776c7906c76 100644
>>>>>>>> --- a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu/arm-smmu-qcom.c
>>>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu/arm-smmu-qcom.c
>>>>>>>> @@ -31,6 +31,55 @@
>>>>>>>>     #define PREFETCH_MODERATE    (2 << PREFETCH_SHIFT)
>>>>>>>>     #define PREFETCH_DEEP        (3 << PREFETCH_SHIFT)
>>>>>>>> +static const struct actlr_config sc7280_apps_actlr_cfg[] = {
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x0800, 0x04e0, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x0900, 0x0402, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x0901, 0x0000, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x0d01, 0x0000, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1181, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1182, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1183, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1184, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1185, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1186, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1187, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1188, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x1189, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x118b, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x118c, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x118d, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x118e, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x118f, 0x0420, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2000, 0x0020, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2040, 0x0000, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2062, 0x0000, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2080, 0x0020, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x20c0, 0x0020, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2100, 0x0020, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2140, 0x0000, PREFETCH_DEFAULT | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2180, 0x0020, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2181, 0x0004, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2183, 0x0000, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2184, 0x0020, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x2187, 0x0000, PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +};
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> +static const struct actlr_config sc7280_gfx_actlr_cfg[] = {
>>>>>>>> +    { 0x0000, 0x07ff, PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB },
>>>>>>>> +};
>>>>>>> It's Will "stuck record" Deacon here again to say that I don't think
>>>>>>> this data belongs in the driver.
>>>>>> Hi Will,
>>>>>> It will be difficult to reach a consensus here, with Robin and the
>>>>>> DT folks
>>>>>> okay to keep it in the driver, while you believe it doesn't belong
>>>>>> there.
>>>>>> Robin, Rob, could you please share your thoughts on concluding the
>>>>>> placement
>>>>>> of this prefetch data?
>>>>>> As discussed earlier [1], the prefetch value for each client doesn’t
>>>>>> define
>>>>>> the hardware topology and is implementation-defined register writes
>>>>>> used by
>>>>>> the software driver.
>>>>> It does reflect the hardware topology though, doesn't it? Those magic
>>>>> hex
>>>>> masks above refer to stream ids, so the table is hard-coding the
>>>>> prefetch
>>>>> values for particular matches.
>>>> That is correct in the sense that stream id is mapped to context bank
>>>> where these configurations are applied.
>>>> However the other part of it is implementation-defined register/values
>>>> for which community opinion was register/value kind of data, should not
>>>> belong to device tree and are not generally approved of.
>>>> Would also like to point out that the prefetch values are recommended
>>>> settings and doesn’t mean these are the only configuration which would
>>>> work for the soc.
>>>> So the SID-to-prefetch isn't strictly SoC defined but is a software
>>>> configuration, IMO.
>>> What's particularly confusing is that most of the IDs encoded here don't
>>> actually seem to line up with what's in the respective SoC DTSIs...
>>> However by this point I'm wary of whether we've lost sight of *why*
>>> we're doing this, and that we're deep into begging the question of
>>> whether identifying devices by StreamID is the right thing to do in the
>>> first place. For example, as best I can tell from a quick skim, we have
>>> over 2 dozen lines of data here which all serve the exact same purpose
>>> of applying PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB to instances of
>>> "qcom,fastrpc-compute-cb". In general it seems unlikely that the same
>>> device would want wildly different prefetch settings across different
>>> SoCs, or even between different instances in the same SoC, so I'm really
>>> coming round to the conclusion that this data would probably be best
>>> handled as an extension of the existing qcom_smmu_client_of_match
>>> mechanism.
>> As per your design idea,do you mean to use qcom_smmu_client_of_match to
>> identify the device using compatible string and apply the device
>> specific settings for all the SoCs (instead of StreamID based device
>> identification) ?
>> something like this rough snippet(?):
>> qcom_smmu_find_actlr_client(struct device *dev)
>> {
>>          if (of_match_device(qcom_smmu_client_of_match, dev) ==
>> qcom,fastrpc-compute-cb )
>>                  qcom_smmu_set_actlr_value(dev, (PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB));
>> /*where (PREFETCH_DEEP | CPRE | CMTLB) is used for compute-cb client.*/
>>          else if (of_match_device(qcom_smmu_client_of_match, dev) == qcom,adreno )
>>                  qcom_smmu_set_actlr_value(dev, (PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB));
>> /*Where (PREFETCH_SHALLOW | CPRE | CMTLB) is for adreno client. */
> I like this idea, especially once it gets converted into a per-SoC
> table of compatibles.

Ack, Just posted the latest version v15 for this series , based on the 
compatible string based design approach [1] as discussed.

While completion of patch, I came to know that it might sometimes
be possible on Qualcomm SoC's, same IP/device on 2 different SoC
can have different ACTLR settings as well.
[1] _can take care of that case_ as well through different compatible
strings but this can be handled through per-SoC solution as well.

In the latest patch [1], I am going forward with Robin's suggestion
of single table per smmu, and can later follow up there if any
conflict happens.


Thanks & regards,

>> }
>> Let me know if my understanding is incorrect.
>> Then in this case if different SoC would have a different settings for
>> same device, then everytime a new compatible would be necessary for same
>> device on different SoC?
>> On similar lines there is another TBU based approach which I can think
>> of. Identify the TBU -> Identify clients from TopoID derived from SID
>> range specified in qcom,stream-id-range -> Apply the client
>> specific settings ?
>> Both approaches would be driver-based, as they are now.
>> Also I'd like to point out that in the current design, since we fixed
>> the smr_is_subset arguments to make the stream IDs a subset of entries
>> in the actlr_cfg table, we can reduce the number of entries in the
>> table. This way, fewer SID-mask pairs can accommodate several stream IDs.
>> Thanks & regards,
>> Bibek
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robin.
>>>>> If I run on a different SoC configuration > with the same table, then
>>>>> the prefetch settings will be applied to the
>>>>> wrong devices. How is that not hardware topology?
>>>> The configuration table is tied to SoC compatible string however as I
>>>> mentioned above, its basically a s/w recommended setting.
>>>> (using prefetch settings other than the recommended values e.g
>>>> PREFECH_DEFAULT instead of PREFETCH_DEEP would not render the device
>>>> unusable unlike changing stream-ids which can make it unusable).
>>>> Since it is implementation specific we cannot have a generic DT binding,
>>>> tying stream ids to these recommended settings.
>>>> Even with qcom specific binding due to dependency on implementation, not
>>>> sure if we would be able to maintain consistency.
>>>> So from maintenance perspective carrying these in driver appear to be
>>>> simpler/flexible. And if it doesn’t violate existing precedence, we
>>>> would prefer to carry it that way.
>>>> This parallels how _"QoS settings"_ are handled within the driver
>>>> (similar to this example [1]).
>>>> [1].
>>>> https://lore.kernel.org/linux-arm-msm/20231030-sc8280xp-dpu-safe-lut-v1-1-6d485d7b428f@quicinc.com/#t
>>>> Thanks & regards,
>>>> Bibek
>>>>> WIll

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