Possible misleading information in rockchip,rk3588-cru.yaml

Conor Dooley conor at kernel.org
Mon Sep 16 09:33:49 PDT 2024

On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 09:20:02PM +0000, Yao Zi wrote:
> Hi,
> rockchip,rk3588-cru.yaml, dt-binding for RK3588 clock and reset module,
> contains description of customized property "rockchip,grf",
>   rockchip,grf:
>     $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
>     description: >
>       phandle to the syscon managing the "general register files". It is
>       used for GRF muxes, if missing any muxes present in the GRF will
>       not be available.
> But after doing some searching, I found that clk-rk3588.c actually
> defines no clock hardware with MUXGRF type. This is also true in in the
> vendor code[1], it seems there is actually no GRF mux on RK3588
> platform.

Have you been able to check the datasheet/register map for this piece of
hardware? Does it have a grf register region?
Wouldn't be surprised if it didn't, and the cause of it being in the
binding was nothing more than copy-paste.
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