[PATCH v2 00/13] KVM: selftests: Morph max_guest_mem to mmu_stress

Sean Christopherson seanjc at google.com
Thu Sep 12 07:03:48 PDT 2024

On Thu, Sep 12, 2024, Andrew Jones wrote:
> I gave this test a try on riscv, but it appears to hang in
> rendezvous_with_vcpus(). My platform is QEMU, so maybe I was just too
> impatient.

Try running with " -m 1 -s 1", which tells the test to use only 1GiB of memory.
That should run quite quickly, even in an emulator.

> Anyway, I haven't read the test yet, so I don't even know what it's doing.
> It's possibly it's trying to do something not yet supported on riscv. I'll
> add investigating that to my TODO, but I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
> As for this series, another patch (or a sneaky change to one
> of the patches...) should add 
>  #include "ucall_common.h"
> to mmu_stress_test.c since it's not there yet despite using get_ucall().
> Building riscv faild because of that.

Roger that.


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