[PATCH 0/8] Add generic overlay for MikroBUS addon boards
Rob Herring
robh at kernel.org
Wed Sep 11 10:02:45 PDT 2024
On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 07:57:17PM +0530, Ayush Singh wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is an attempt to add MikroBUS addon support using the approach
> described by Grove connector patch series [0].
> The patch series tests out 2 addon boards + pwm and GPIO on the MikroBUS
> connector. The boards used are GPS3 Click (for UART) [1] and Weather
> Click (for I2C) [2]. Additionally, I have tested relative GPIO numbering
> using devicetree nexus nodes [3].
> The patch series does not attempt to do any dynamic discovery for 1-wire
> eeprom MikroBUS addon boards, nor does it provide any sysfs entry for
> board addition/removal. The connector driver might include them after
> the basic support is ironed out, but the existing patches for dynamic
> overlays work fine.
> The patch series has been tested on BeaglePlay [4].
> I will now go over individual parts of the patch series, but for a
> better picture of the approach, it would be best to checkout [0] first.
> MikroBUS connector driver
> -------------------------
> Just a stub platform driver for now. Will be extended in the future for
> dynamic board discovery using 1-wire eeprom present in some MikroBUS
> addon boards.
> While it is a stub driver, disabling it will make the GPIO connector
> nexus node unreachable (any driver attempting to use it will enter
> differed probing). So it is required.
> MikroBUS connector Devicetree
> ------------------------------
> The connector devicetree defines the MikroBUS GPIO nexus node. This
> allows using pin numbering relative to MikroBUS connector pins in the
> addon boards overlay. Currently, the patch uses a clockwise numbering:
> 0: PWM
> 1: INT
> 2: RX
> 3: TX
> 4: SCL
> 5: SDA
> 6: MOSI
> 7: MISO
> 8: SCK
> 9: CS
> 10: RST
> 11: AN
> Additionally, in case PWM pin is not using channel 0, a nexus node for pwm
> should also be used and go in the connector devicetree.
> MikroBUS connector symbols overlay
> ----------------------------------
> To make an overlay generic we need a standard name scheme which we
> use across base boards. For the connector pins the pinmux phandle
> shall be:
> <connector-name>_<pin-name>_mux_<pin-function>
> For the parent provider phandle, we use a similar naming scheme:
> <connector-name>_<pin-name>_<pin-function>
> For GPIO controller, I am using `MIKROBUS_GPIO` name since with nexus
> nodes, we do not need to define individual pin gpio controllers.
> The string symbols can be replaced with phandles once [5] is accepted.
> That will make connector stacking much simpler.
> MikroBUS addon board overlay
> ----------------------------
> The patch puts the addon board overlays in their own directory. I am
> using the following naming scheme for MikroBUS addon boards:
> <vendor>-<product_id>.dtso
> Mikroe [6] lists this for all boards in their website, but I am not sure
> if other vendors have a product_id.
> This naming also makes future dynamic discovery easier, since click id
> spec [7] contains vendor_id and product_id in the header.
> Usage
> -----
> So what does this all look like? Let's take an example of a BeaglePlay
> with one MikroBUS connectors for which we have physically attached a
> Wather click module to the first connector. Doing ahead of time
> command-line DT overlay application:
> ./fdtoverlay \
> -o output.dtb \
> -i k3-am625-beagleplay.dtb \
> k3-am625-beagleplay-mikrobus-connector0.dtbo mikroe-5761.dtbo
> Open Items
> ----------
> - SPI Support:
> Currently SPI dt requires `reg` property to specify the
> chipselect to use. This, makes the SPI device overlay dependent on the
> SPI controller. Thus for SPI support, we need a way to allow defining
> SPI chipselect relative to MikroBUS pins, and not the actual device
> controller.
> One possible solution is to introduce something like `named-reg` and
> allow selecting the chipselect by string array. But this probably
> requires more discussion so I have left out SPI support for now.
> NOTE: pins other than the CS MikroBUS pin can be used as chipselect.
> See [8].
> - Controller symbol duplication
> The current symbol scheme has multiple symbols for the same underlying
> point to the same i2c controller.
> I think both of them will always use the same i2c controller, but
> maybe there are some exceptions? So I have left it as it is for this
> patch series. The same thing also applies to UART and SPI.
> NOTE: with the use of nexus node for GPIO, the GPIO controller symbol
> will be the same for all pins.
> - Nexus node dt-bindings
> I am not quite sure how to deal with the nexus node properties
> (#gpio-cells, gpio-map, gpio-map-mask, gpio-map-pass-thru) since they
> seem to conflict with upstream gpio schema (gpio-controller is a
> dependency of #gpio-cells).
Please submit a fix to dtschema. Either GH PR or patch to
devicetree-spec list.
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