[PATCH 3/4] media: platform: mtk-mdp3: Remove mask parameter from MM_REG_WRITE macro

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Tue Sep 10 02:08:05 PDT 2024

Il 23/08/24 23:31, Nícolas F. R. A. Prado ha scritto:
> There are two macros to issue a cmdq write: MM_REG_WRITE_MASK and
> MM_REG_WRITE, but confusingly, both of them take a mask parameter. The
> difference is that MM_REG_WRITE additionally checks whether the mask
> passed in contains the register mask, in which case, the 0xffffffff mask
> is passed to cmdq_pkt_write_mask(), effectively disregarding the mask
> and calling cmdq_pkt_write() as an optimization.
> Move that optimization to the MM_REG_WRITE_MASK macro and make
> MM_REG_WRITE the variant that doesn't take a mask, directly calling to
> cmdq_pkt_write().
> Change the call sites to MM_REG_WRITE whenever a mask wasn't necessary
> (ie 0xffffffff or a <register>_MASK was passed as mask) and in other
> cases to MM_REG_WRITE_MASK.
> Signed-off-by: Nícolas F. R. A. Prado <nfraprado at collabora.com>

Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com>

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