linux-next: duplicate patches in the sophgo tree

Chen Wang unicorn_wang at
Thu Sep 5 20:24:14 PDT 2024


The arm-soc tree contains these patches is due to I submited a PR to 
Arnd and he merged this today.

And for the sophgo/for-next branch, it does contains these patches. I 
created the PR branch(sophgo/riscv-sophgo-dt-for-next) and cherry-picked 
these patches from sophgo/for-next and submited the PR. I see the 
commits in arm-soc are the same as that from 
sophgo/riscv-sophgo-dt-for-next, but they are different against the 
commit ids from sophgo/for-next due to cherry-pick operation.

So my question is, do we need to make sure commit id the same between PR 
branch and sophgo/for-next branch?



On 2024/9/6 10:04, Stephen Rothwell wrote:
> Hi all,
> The following commits are also in the arm-soc tree as different commits
> (but the same patches):
>    0014d11186f5 ("riscv: dts: sophgo: Add sdhci0 configuration for Huashan Pi")
>    161477baee0f ("riscv: dts: sophgo: Add i2c device support for sg2042")
>    33ae4c56cacf ("riscv: sophgo: dts: add mmc controllers for SG2042 SoC")
>    47e5a8daf0b9 ("dt-bindings: riscv: Add Sipeed LicheeRV Nano board compatibles
> ")
>    4f8fb973389d ("riscv: sophgo: dts: add gpio controllers for SG2042 SoC")
>    7f3cf53e4c65 ("riscv: dts: sophgo: Use common "interrupt-parent" for all peri
> pherals for sg2042")
>    c0a4490b120f ("riscv: dts: sophgo: cv18xx: add DMA controller")
>    e8b4716e68ba ("riscv: dts: sophgo: Add mcu device for Milk-V Pioneer")
>    f9cc479ddc8c ("dt-bindings: interrupt-controller: Add SOPHGO SG2002 plic")

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