[PATCH] Revert "MAINTAINERS: Remove some entries due to various compliance requirements."

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at metux.net
Fri Oct 25 08:10:24 PDT 2024

On 24.10.24 17:33, Andy Shevchenko wrote:

> Interesting. Let's have a beer at some point and may be talk about this
> (I'm from Donetsk, Ukraine).

Are you still living there ?
(if so, the huge distance could pose a practical problem - unless
we're restoring to virtual beer ;-))

> It's not about .ru if you read the original patch.

That's not really clear. It wasn't stated exactly.

If there were actual allegations that these people somehow sabotaging
the project, then let's see the evidence - in wide public.

>> Who's the only nation who used nuclear bombs against civilians ?
>> The US.
> Since you haven't defined _how_ it was used, you are mistaken.
> In the 70-x Soviets did a lot of experiments with nuclear and
> you may find an information about, e.g., the underground nuke
> in the Donetsk (Donbass if speaking of coal mines) region in order
> to see if it improves the efficiency of the coal mining. It didn't,
> and as a consequences it becomes exactly the use against civilians.

Sorry for being imprecise. I've been talking about an direct attack
on the civilians of an enemy in the war (which, btw, we now know was
directly provoked by the US regime - the Japanese just were dumb enough
for falling into the trap and fire the first shot).


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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