[PATCH] Revert "MAINTAINERS: Remove some entries due to various compliance requirements."
Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
lkml at metux.net
Thu Oct 24 08:05:13 PDT 2024
On 23.10.24 10:09, Kexy Biscuit wrote:
> This reverts commit 6e90b675cf942e50c70e8394dfb5862975c3b3b2.
> An absolutely no-one-ever-reviewed patch, not even by the maintainers who
> got removed themselves - at least not on the mailing list. Then the patch
> just got slipped into an unrelated subsystem pull request, and got pulled
> by Torvalds with not even a comment.
> What about the next time? Who next would be removed from the MAINTAINERS
> file, the kernel.org infrastructure? What if the compliance requires
> another XZ backdoor to be developed without further explanation? Is the
> kernel development process still done in public?
> Are the "compliance requirements" documented on docs.kernel.org? Who are
> responsible for them? Are all that are responsible employees of
> The Linux Foundation, which is regulated by the U.S. legislature?
Reviewed-By: Enrico Weigelt <info at metux.net>
And, no, don't anybody dare calling me a "Russian troll" !
I grew up in the GDR, which was factually Russian/Soviet-occupied for 40
years. I grew up behind the iron curtain. And part of my family coming
from near Mariuopol. They also suffered from that horrible war (and many
of the wider family fled to Germany).
The only way for stopping that suffering is arranging peace. The longer
the war goes on, the more suffering, the more people just DIE.
Expelling people just because they happen to live in Russia (or maybe
just having an .ru mail address) isn't doing anything for peace - it's
the opposite: it's widening the war. It's rebuiling the iron curtain,
this time into one of the most international projects of mankind.
And it's just rascist.
If we really want to expell people for living in countries that are
starting wars or committing war crimes, then have a closer look at
who's leading the bodycount "highscore" since WW2. Spoiler: it's not
Russia - it's the anglo-american block. And guess who's leading the
hall of shame of using weapons of mass destruction: the US (and their
Who's the only nation who used nuclear bombs against civilians ?
The US. And who's still using DU munition (also a WoMD - contanimates
the soil for at least centuries) ? The NATO (yes, including Germany)
Does anybody see where this all is going ?
Wars cannot be ended by more war. Only by peace.
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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287
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