[PATCH] MAINTAINERS: Remove some entries due to various compliance requirements.

Mingcong Bai jeffbai at aosc.io
Wed Oct 23 00:32:50 PDT 2024

Greetings all,

在 2024-10-23 14:30,WangYuli 写道:
> Although this commit has been merged, it's still important to know the 
> specific reason (or even an example) that triggered this change for 
> everyone here, right?
> And those maintainers who have been removed should be notified.


> It should be CC'd everyone who might need to be aware of this change, 
> including the removed maintainers, other maintainers on the subsystem, 
> and the subsystem's mailing list.
> To ensure transparency.

This patch is one such instance where we find ourselves questioning the 
legitimacy and indeed, the feasibility, of an international, open, and 
open source project. Vagueness breeds distrust.

It's not difficult to deduce what the "various compliance requirements" 
are and I'm sure Greg is aware of this. The Linux Foundation, if 
interested in continuing their governance role over the Linux kernel, 
should be ready to explain themselves over this decision. Greg and 
Linus, I'm not sure if I'm ready to believe that this is supposed to be 
a political show - but if this is the case, please leave the ground for 
the Foundation - they should be the one responsible and receiving the 
scrutiny (or insult, as I'm sure many - myself included - find this 
patch insulting).

So I repeat - call the decision-makers out and ask for their 

Best Regards,
Mingcong Bai

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