[PATCH v9 3/3] pmdomain: mediatek: Use OF-specific regulator API to get power domain supply

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Wed Oct 9 02:44:02 PDT 2024

Il 30/09/24 06:45, Chen-Yu Tsai ha scritto:
> The MediaTek power domain driver contains a hack that assigns the device
> node of the power domain to the struct device of the power domain
> controller in order to use the devres regulator API.
> Now that there is a proper OF-specific regulator API, and even a devres
> version, replace the hack with proper code.
> This change is incompatible with incomplete device trees. Instead of
> assigning the dummy regulator in cases where the power domain requires
> a supply but the device tree does not provide one, the driver will just
> error out. This will be seen on the MT8390 EVK, which is missing
> supplies for the IMG_VCORE and CAM_VCORE domains. And likely all the
> MediaTek EVBs, which have no power domain supplies specified. This is
> however the correct behavior. If the power domain's supply is missing,
> then it should not work. Relying on other parts of the system to keep
> the unattached regulator enabled is likely to break in ways less easier
> to understand.
> Signed-off-by: Chen-Yu Tsai <wenst at chromium.org>

Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com>

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