[PATCH v1 0/3] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq-helper: Various cleanups

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Mon Oct 7 07:36:12 PDT 2024

Il 07/10/24 16:33, Matthias Brugger ha scritto:
> On 03/10/2024 10:08, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
>> Il 02/10/24 15:00, Matthias Brugger ha scritto:
>>> On 02/10/2024 11:08, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:06:17 +0200, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
>>>>> This series performs various cleanups to the MediaTek CMDQ Helper lib,
>>>>> reducing code duplication and enhancing human readability.
>>>>> This also avoids double initialization struct cmdq_instruction as,
>>>>> in some cases, it was stack-initialized to zero and then overwritten
>>>>> completely anyway a bit later.
>>>>> I'd expect compilers to be somehow smart about that, but still, while
>>>>> at it ... why not :-)
>>>>> [...]
>>>> Applied to v6.12-next/soc, thanks!
>>>> [1/3] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq: Move mask build and append to function
>>>>        https://git.kernel.org/mediatek/c/2400e830
>>>> [2/3] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq: Mark very unlikely branches as such
>>>>        https://git.kernel.org/mediatek/c/21ab3dae
>>>> [3/3] soc: mediatek: mtk-cmdq: Move cmdq_instruction init to declaration
>>>>        https://git.kernel.org/mediatek/c/66705b89
>>> You probably oversaw the sparse warning email on 3/3?
>>> As I oversaw that you already merged this.
>> Yeah, I did. There's no problem anyway, as we can always replace the commits
>> without noise, I haven't pushed anything to -next :-)
>> I plan to do that (drop patch 2/3, delete `.mask = 0` on 3/3) soon, at max
>> next week anyway.
> Perfect, before you do any locally please pull from remote as I did some changes, 
> not sure if you saw my message on IRC.
> Regarding -next: we don't need to keep commit history in linux-next neither, to 
> even it got pushed to -next, we can drop patches in the queue with any problem.

My day was pretty full, I didn't. Thanks for shooting the email :-D

> Have a nice afternoon :)

You too!

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