[PATCH v3 13/14] drm/mediatek: Support DRM plane alpha in OVL

Adam Thiede me at adamthiede.com
Thu Oct 3 08:29:57 PDT 2024

On 10/3/24 00:17, Jason-JH Lin (林睿祥) wrote:
>> Jason:
>> That is a lot of information, and quite above my head! Thank you
>> though.
>> I should note that the log items I sent you are from the "good"
>> kernel - 
>> 6.11 with the commit reverted. Here is a much longer set of logs: 
>> https://termbin.com/co6v
>> I've rebuild 6.11 with the log statement enabled and the "bad"
>> behavior.
>> Here is a dmesg from that: https://termbin.com/xiev
> Hi Adam,
> I think something wrong with your dmesg links, both logs look the same.
> We should see this log in the "bad" one:
> fmt:0x34325258, has_alpha:0x0, alpha:0xffff, con:0x2000

Apologies, I did indeed upload the same file twice. Here is the "good" one:

And the "bad" one:

I think the fact that we're not seeing that line in the "bad" one is 
part of the problem?
> But anyway, I think the reason for the downgrade is clear enough to me.
> So let's try to figure out the solution.
>> These logs are both from `dmesg`.
>> I'm fairly certain I've built with the patch you referenced enabled.
>> The 
>> kernels I run are just release kernels, not RCs or git branches or 
>> anything. The mainline v6.11 kernel is the one that has this problem.
>> If 
>> that patch has been merged into 6.11 (which, looks like it has) then 
>> it's in the kernel I'm building.
> Got it.
> Then OVL_CONST_BLEND might be the unsupported configuration in MT8173,
> I think we should remove the XRGB8888 format for MT8173.
> Could you please try this modification and see if it'll change to use
> others supported format to show the text?
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/mediatek/mtk_disp_ovl.c
> @@ -102,12 +102,9 @@ static inline bool is_10bit_rgb(u32 fmt)
>   }
>   static const u32 mt8173_formats[] = {
> -       DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888,
> -       DRM_FORMAT_BGRX8888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_BGRA8888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888,
> -       DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_RGB888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_BGR888,
>          DRM_FORMAT_RGB565,
I've not been able to get the kernel to build with that patch; it keeps 
segfaulting at the end. I will keep attempting though.

> Regards,
> Jason-JH.Lin
>> - Adam Thiede

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