[PATCH 00/10] (no cover subject)

Bryan O'Donoghue bryan.odonoghue at linaro.org
Tue Oct 1 02:30:31 PDT 2024

On 01/10/2024 09:24, Luca Weiss wrote:
>> media-ctl --reset
>> yavta --no-query -w '0x009f0903 2' /dev/v4l-subdev5
>> yavta --list /dev/v4l-subdev5
>> media-ctl -V '"msm_csid0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
>> media-ctl -V '"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
>> media-ctl -l '"msm_csid0":1->"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[1]'
>> media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p
> Hi Bryan!
> These commands are to set up the pipeline, and what then to grab an
> image from it?
> I tried this, but it also just hangs:
> $ yavta -B capture-mplane --capture=3 -n 3 -f SRGGB10P -s 4056x3040 /dev/video0 --file=foo-#.bin
> Device /dev/video0 opened.
> Device `Qualcomm Camera Subsystem' on `platform:acb3000.camss' (driver 'qcom-camss') supports video, capture, with mplanes.
> Video format set: SRGGB10P (41415270) 4056x3040 field none, 1 planes:
>   * Stride 5072, buffer size 15418880
> Video format: SRGGB10P (41415270) 4056x3040 field none, 1 planes:
>   * Stride 5072, buffer size 15418880
> 3 buffers requested.
> length: 1 offset: 3326519176 timestamp type/source: mono/EoF
> Buffer 0/0 mapped at address 0xffffa0c00000.
> length: 1 offset: 3326519176 timestamp type/source: mono/EoF
> Buffer 1/0 mapped at address 0xffff9fc08000.
> length: 1 offset: 3326519176 timestamp type/source: mono/EoF
> Buffer 2/0 mapped at address 0xffff9ec10000.

No there's no CSIPHY in that case, it should be the TPG inside of CSID0 
@ /dev/v4l-subdev5 which generates the data.

Just for verification purposes do a  `media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p` and 
confirm that /dev/v4l-subdev5 == csid0

Rewrite the above as

export csid0=v4l-subdevX

media-ctl --reset
yavta --no-query -w '0x009f0903 2' /dev/$csid0
yavta --list /dev/$csid0
media-ctl -V '"msm_csid0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
media-ctl -V '"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
media-ctl -l '"msm_csid0":1->"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[1]'
media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p

basically you have to make sure you've set the TPG on the correct subdev..

Something like in media-ctl subdev4 in my case.

- entity 13: msm_csid0 (5 pads, 36 links, 0 routes)
              type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0
              device node name /dev/v4l-subdev4


export csid0=v4l-subdev4

media-ctl --reset
yavta --no-query -w '0x009f0903 2' /dev/$csid0
yavta --list /dev/$csid0
media-ctl -V '"msm_csid0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
media-ctl -V '"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[fmt:SRGGB10/4056x3040]'
media-ctl -l '"msm_csid0":1->"msm_vfe0_rdi0":0[1]'
media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -p


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