[PATCH 5/6] arm64: dts: exynos: gs101-oriole: enable Maxim max77759 TCPCi

André Draszik andre.draszik at linaro.org
Wed Nov 27 03:01:43 PST 2024

On Pixel 6 (and Pro), a max77759 companion PMIC for USB Type-C
applications is used, which contains five functional blocks (at
distinct I2C addresses):
  * top
  * charger
  * fuel gauge
  * TCPCi
  * GPIO

The TCPCi is required to detect and handle connector orientation in
Pixel's USB PHY driver, and to configure the USB controller's role
(host vs device).

Signed-off-by: André Draszik <andre.draszik at linaro.org>
 arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/google/gs101-oriole.dts | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/google/gs101-oriole.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/google/gs101-oriole.dts
index 387fb779bd29..5f7be0cb7418 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/google/gs101-oriole.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/exynos/google/gs101-oriole.dts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/usb/pd.h>
 #include "gs101-pinctrl.h"
 #include "gs101.dtsi"
@@ -90,6 +91,84 @@ eeprom: eeprom at 50 {
 &hsi2c_12 {
 	status = "okay";
 	/* TODO: add the devices once drivers exist */
+	usb-typec at 25 {
+		compatible = "maxim,max77759", "maxim,max33359";
+		reg = <0x25>;
+		interrupts-extended = <&gpa8 2 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+		pinctrl-0 = <&typec_int>;
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		connector {
+			compatible = "usb-c-connector";
+			label = "USB-C";
+			data-role = "dual";
+			power-role = "dual";
+			self-powered;
+			try-power-role = "sink";
+			op-sink-microwatt = <2600000>;
+			new-source-frs-typec-current = <FRS_5V_1P5A>;
+			slow-charger-loop;
+			/*
+			 * max77759 operating in reverse boost mode (0xA) can
+			 * source up to 1.5A while extboost can only do ~1A.
+			 * Since extboost is the primary path, advertise 900mA.
+			 */
+			source-pdos = <PDO_FIXED(5000, 900,
+						  | PDO_FIXED_DUAL_ROLE))>;
+			sink-pdos = <PDO_FIXED(5000, 3000,
+					       (PDO_FIXED_DATA_SWAP
+				     PDO_FIXED(9000, 2200, 0)
+				     PDO_PPS_APDO(5000, 11000, 3000)>;
+			sink-vdos = <VDO_IDH(1, 1, IDH_PTYPE_PERIPH, 0,
+					     IDH_PTYPE_DFP_HOST, 2, 0x18d1)
+				     VDO_CERT(0x0)
+				     VDO_PRODUCT(0x4ee1, 0x0)
+				     VDO_UFP(UFP_VDO_VER1_2,
+					     (DEV_USB2_CAPABLE
+					      | DEV_USB3_CAPABLE),
+					     UFP_RECEPTACLE, 0,
+					     AMA_VCONN_NOT_REQ, 0,
+					     UFP_USB32_GEN1)
+				     /* padding */ 0
+				     VDO_DFP(DFP_VDO_VER1_1,
+					     (HOST_USB2_CAPABLE
+					      | HOST_USB3_CAPABLE),
+					     DFP_RECEPTACLE, 0)>;
+			sink-vdos-v1 = <VDO_IDH(1, 1, IDH_PTYPE_PERIPH, 0,
+						0, 0, 0x18d1)
+					VDO_CERT(0x0)
+					VDO_PRODUCT(0x4ee1, 0x0)>;
+			ports {
+				#address-cells = <1>;
+				#size-cells = <0>;
+				port at 0 {
+					reg = <0>;
+					usbc0_orien_sw: endpoint {
+						remote-endpoint = <&usbdrd31_phy_orien_switch>;
+					};
+				};
+				port at 1 {
+					reg = <1>;
+					usbc0_role_sw: endpoint {
+						remote-endpoint = <&usbdrd31_dwc3_role_switch>;
+					};
+				};
+			};
+		};
+	};
 &pinctrl_far_alive {
@@ -106,6 +185,13 @@ key_volup: key-volup-pins {
 		samsung,pin-pud = <GS101_PIN_PULL_NONE>;
 		samsung,pin-drv = <GS101_PIN_DRV_2_5_MA>;
+	typec_int: typec-int-pins {
+		samsung,pins = "gpa8-2";
+		samsung,pin-function = <GS101_PIN_FUNC_EINT>;
+		samsung,pin-pud = <GS101_PIN_PULL_UP>;
+		samsung,pin-drv = <GS101_PIN_DRV_2_5_MA>;
+	};
 &pinctrl_gpio_alive {
@@ -142,9 +228,16 @@ &usbdrd31_dwc3 {
 	role-switch-default-mode = "peripheral";
 	maximum-speed = "super-speed-plus";
 	status = "okay";
+	port {
+		usbdrd31_dwc3_role_switch: endpoint {
+			remote-endpoint = <&usbc0_role_sw>;
+		};
+	};
 &usbdrd31_phy {
+	orientation-switch;
 	/* TODO: Update these once PMIC is implemented */
 	pll-supply = <&reg_placeholder>;
 	dvdd-usb20-supply = <&reg_placeholder>;
@@ -153,6 +246,12 @@ &usbdrd31_phy {
 	vdda-usbdp-supply = <&reg_placeholder>;
 	vddh-usbdp-supply = <&reg_placeholder>;
 	status = "okay";
+	port {
+		usbdrd31_phy_orien_switch: endpoint {
+			remote-endpoint = <&usbc0_orien_sw>;
+		};
+	};
 &usi_uart {


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