[PATCH net v2] net: mdio: aspeed: Add dummy read for fire control

Andrew Jeffery andrew at codeconstruct.com.au
Tue Nov 19 20:43:11 PST 2024

On Tue, 2024-11-19 at 17:51 +0800, Jacky Chou wrote:
> When the command bus is sometimes busy, it may cause the command is
> not
> arrived to MDIO controller immediately. On software, the driver
> issues a
> write command to the command bus does not wait for command complete
> and
> it returned back to code immediately. But a read command will wait
> for
> the data back, once a read command was back indicates the previous
> write
> command had arrived to controller.
> Add a dummy read to ensure triggering mdio controller before starting
> polling the status of mdio controller to avoid polling unexpected
> timeout.

Why use the explicit dummy read rather than adjust the poll interval or
duration? I still don't think that's been adequately explained given
the hardware-clear of the fire bit on completion, which is what we're
polling for.


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