[PATCH v2 3/9] dt-bindings: display/msm: Add QCS615 MDSS & DPU

Fange Zhang quic_fangez at quicinc.com
Wed Nov 13 03:51:45 PST 2024

From: Li Liu <quic_lliu6 at quicinc.com>

Document the MDSS and DPU hardware found on the Qualcomm QCS615 platform.

Signed-off-by: Li Liu <quic_lliu6 at quicinc.com>
Signed-off-by: Fange Zhang <quic_fangez at quicinc.com>
 .../bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-dpu.yaml      | 118 ++++++++++
 .../bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-mdss.yaml     | 252 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 370 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-dpu.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-dpu.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1372760afd56393e3db2293d8c62fc1c3ce97b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-dpu.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-dpu.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Qualcomm QCS615 Display DPU
+  - Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com>
+  - Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
+$ref: /schemas/display/msm/dpu-common.yaml#
+  compatible:
+    const: qcom,qcs615-dpu
+  reg:
+    items:
+      - description: Address offset and size for mdp register set
+      - description: Address offset and size for vbif register set
+  reg-names:
+    items:
+      - const: mdp
+      - const: vbif
+  clocks:
+    items:
+      - description: Display ahb clock
+      - description: Display hf axi clock
+      - description: Display core clock
+      - description: Display vsync clock
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: iface
+      - const: bus
+      - const: core
+      - const: vsync
+unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,qcs615-dispcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,qcs615-gcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,qcs615-rpmh.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,icc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/power/qcom,rpmhpd.h>
+    display-controller at ae01000 {
+        compatible = "qcom,qcs615-dpu";
+        reg = <0x0ae01000 0x8f000>,
+              <0x0aeb0000 0x2008>;
+        reg-names = "mdp", "vbif";
+        clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
+                 <&gcc GCC_DISP_HF_AXI_CLK>,
+                 <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK>,
+                 <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK>;
+        clock-names = "iface", "bus", "core", "vsync";
+        assigned-clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK>;
+        assigned-clock-rates = <19200000>;
+        operating-points-v2 = <&mdp_opp_table>;
+        power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_CX>;
+        interrupt-parent = <&mdss>;
+        interrupts = <0>;
+        ports {
+            #address-cells = <1>;
+            #size-cells = <0>;
+            port at 0 {
+                reg = <0>;
+                dpu_intf0_out: endpoint {
+                };
+            };
+            port at 1 {
+                reg = <1>;
+                dpu_intf1_out: endpoint {
+                  remote-endpoint = <&mdss_dsi0_in>;
+                };
+            };
+        };
+        mdp_opp_table: opp-table {
+            compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+            opp-375000000 {
+                opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <375000000>;
+                required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1>;
+            };
+            opp-500000000 {
+                opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <500000000>;
+                required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_nom>;
+            };
+            opp-575000000 {
+                opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <575000000>;
+                required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_turbo>;
+            };
+            opp-650000000 {
+                opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <650000000>;
+                required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_turbo_l1>;
+            };
+        };
+    };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-mdss.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-mdss.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a76301d964a87379f7e80a93d3f9522b581274a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-mdss.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/display/msm/qcom,qcs615-mdss.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Qualcomm QCS615 Display MDSS
+  - Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk at quicinc.com>
+  - Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org>
+  Device tree bindings for MSM Mobile Display Subsystem(MDSS) that encapsulates
+  sub-blocks like DPU display controller, DSI and DP interfaces etc. Device tree
+  bindings of MDSS are mentioned for QCS615 target.
+$ref: /schemas/display/msm/mdss-common.yaml#
+  compatible:
+    items:
+      - const: qcom,qcs615-mdss
+  clocks:
+    items:
+      - description: Display AHB clock from gcc
+      - description: Display hf axi clock
+      - description: Display core clock
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: iface
+      - const: bus
+      - const: core
+  iommus:
+    maxItems: 1
+  interconnects:
+    maxItems: 2
+  interconnect-names:
+    maxItems: 2
+  "^display-controller@[0-9a-f]+$":
+    type: object
+    additionalProperties: true
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        const: qcom,qcs615-dpu
+  "^dsi@[0-9a-f]+$":
+    type: object
+    additionalProperties: true
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        items:
+          - const: qcom,qcs615-dsi-ctrl
+          - const: qcom,mdss-dsi-ctrl
+  "^phy@[0-9a-f]+$":
+    type: object
+    additionalProperties: true
+    properties:
+      compatible:
+        const: qcom,dsi-phy-14nm-615
+unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,qcs615-dispcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,qcs615-gcc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/qcom,rpmh.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,qcs615-rpmh.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interconnect/qcom,icc.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/power/qcom-rpmpd.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/power/qcom,rpmhpd.h>
+    display-subsystem at ae00000 {
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <1>;
+        compatible = "qcom,qcs615-mdss";
+        reg = <0x0ae00000 0x1000>;
+        reg-names = "mdss";
+        interconnects = <&mmss_noc MASTER_MDP0 0
+                         &mc_virt SLAVE_EBI1 QCOM_ICC_TAG_ALWAYS>,
+                        <&gem_noc MASTER_APPSS_PROC QCOM_ICC_TAG_ACTIVE_ONLY
+                         &config_noc SLAVE_DISPLAY_CFG QCOM_ICC_TAG_ACTIVE_ONLY>;
+        interconnect-names = "mdp0-mem", "cpu-cfg";
+        power-domains = <&dispcc MDSS_CORE_GDSC>;
+        clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
+                 <&gcc GCC_DISP_HF_AXI_CLK>,
+                 <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK>;
+        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 83 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+        interrupt-controller;
+        #interrupt-cells = <1>;
+        iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x800 0x0>;
+        ranges;
+        display-controller at ae01000 {
+            compatible = "qcom,qcs615-dpu";
+            reg = <0x0ae01000 0x8f000>,
+                  <0x0aeb0000 0x2008>;
+            reg-names = "mdp", "vbif";
+            clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&gcc GCC_DISP_HF_AXI_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_MDP_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK>;
+            clock-names = "iface", "bus", "core", "vsync";
+            assigned-clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_VSYNC_CLK>;
+            assigned-clock-rates = <19200000>;
+            operating-points-v2 = <&mdp_opp_table>;
+            power-domains = <&rpmhpd RPMHPD_CX>;
+            interrupt-parent = <&mdss>;
+            interrupts = <0>;
+            ports {
+                #address-cells = <1>;
+                #size-cells = <0>;
+                port at 0 {
+                  reg = <0>;
+                  dpu_intf0_out: endpoint {
+                  };
+                };
+                port at 1 {
+                  reg = <1>;
+                  dpu_intf1_out: endpoint {
+                      remote-endpoint = <&mdss_dsi0_in>;
+                  };
+                };
+            };
+            mdp_opp_table: opp-table {
+                compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+                opp-375000000 {
+                    opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <375000000>;
+                    required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_svs_l1>;
+                };
+                opp-500000000 {
+                    opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <500000000>;
+                    required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_nom>;
+                };
+                opp-575000000 {
+                    opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <575000000>;
+                    required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_turbo>;
+                };
+                opp-650000000 {
+                    opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <650000000>;
+                    required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_turbo_l1>;
+                };
+            };
+        };
+        dsi at ae94000 {
+            compatible = "qcom,qcs615-dsi-ctrl",
+                         "qcom,mdss-dsi-ctrl";
+            reg = <0x0ae94000 0x400>;
+            reg-names = "dsi_ctrl";
+            interrupt-parent = <&mdss>;
+            interrupts = <4>;
+            clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_INTF_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_ESC0_CLK>,
+                     <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&gcc GCC_DISP_HF_AXI_CLK>;
+            clock-names = "byte",
+                          "byte_intf",
+                          "pixel",
+                          "core",
+                          "iface",
+                          "bus";
+            assigned-clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_BYTE0_CLK_SRC>,
+                              <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_PCLK0_CLK_SRC>;
+            assigned-clock-parents = <&mdss_dsi0_phy 0>, <&mdss_dsi0_phy 1>;
+            operating-points-v2 = <&dsi0_opp_table>;
+            phys = <&mdss_dsi0_phy>;
+            #address-cells = <1>;
+            #size-cells = <0>;
+            ports {
+                #address-cells = <1>;
+                #size-cells = <0>;
+                port at 0 {
+                    reg = <0>;
+                    mdss_dsi0_in: endpoint {
+                        remote-endpoint = <&dpu_intf1_out>;
+                    };
+                };
+                port at 1 {
+                    reg = <1>;
+                    mdss_dsi0_out: endpoint {
+                    };
+                };
+            };
+            dsi0_opp_table: opp-table {
+                compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+                opp-164000000 {
+                    opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <164000000>;
+                    required-opps = <&rpmhpd_opp_low_svs>;
+                };
+            };
+        };
+        mdss_dsi0_phy: phy at ae94400 {
+            compatible = "qcom,dsi-phy-14nm-615";
+            reg = <0x0ae94400 0x100>,
+                  <0x0ae94500 0x300>,
+                  <0x0ae94800 0x188>;
+            reg-names = "dsi_phy",
+                        "dsi_phy_lane",
+                        "dsi_pll";
+            #clock-cells = <1>;
+            #phy-cells = <0>;
+            clocks = <&dispcc DISP_CC_MDSS_AHB_CLK>,
+                     <&rpmhcc RPMH_CXO_CLK>;
+            clock-names = "iface", "ref";
+        };
+    };


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