[PATCH] arm64: uprobes: Simulate STP for pushing fp/lr into user stack
Liao, Chang
liaochang1 at huawei.com
Tue Nov 5 04:22:05 PST 2024
Andrii and Mark.
在 2024/10/26 4:51, Andrii Nakryiko 写道:
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 7:06 AM Mark Rutland <mark.rutland at arm.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 06:04:07AM +0000, Liao Chang wrote:
>>> This patch is the second part of a series to improve the selftest bench
>>> of uprobe/uretprobe [0]. The lack of simulating 'stp fp, lr, [sp, #imm]'
>>> significantly impact uprobe/uretprobe performance at function entry in
>>> most user cases. Profiling results below reveals the STP that executes
>>> in the xol slot and trap back to kernel, reduce redis RPS and increase
>>> the time of string grep obviously.
>>> On Kunpeng916 (Hi1616), 4 NUMA nodes, 64 Arm64 cores at 2.4GHz.
>>> Redis GET (higher is better)
>>> ----------------------------
>>> No uprobe: 49149.71 RPS
>>> Single-stepped STP: 46750.82 RPS
>>> Emulated STP: 48981.19 RPS
>>> Redis SET (larger is better)
>>> ----------------------------
>>> No uprobe: 49761.14 RPS
>>> Single-stepped STP: 45255.01 RPS
>>> Emulated stp: 48619.21 RPS
>>> Grep (lower is better)
>>> ----------------------
>>> No uprobe: 2.165s
>>> Single-stepped STP: 15.314s
>>> Emualted STP: 2.216s
>> The results for grep are concerning.
>> In theory, the overhead for stepping should be roughly double the
>> overhead for emulating, assuming the exception-entry and
>> exception-return are the dominant cost. The cost of stepping should be
>> trivial.
>> Those results show emulating adds 0.051s (for a ~2.4% overhead), while
>> stepping adds 13.149s (for a ~607% overhead), meaning stepping is 250x
>> more expensive.
>> Was this tested bare-metal, or in a VM?
> Hey Mark, I hope Liao will have a chance to reply, I don't know the
> details of his benchmarking. But I can try to give you my numbers and
> maybe answer a few questions, hopefully that helps move the
> conversation forward.
> So, first of all, I did a quick benchmark on bare metal (without
> Liao's optimization, though), here are my results:
> uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 2.334 ± 0.011M/s ( 2.334M/s/cpu)
> uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 2.321 ± 0.010M/s ( 2.321M/s/cpu)
> uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 4.144 ± 0.041M/s ( 4.144M/s/cpu)
> uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 1.684 ± 0.004M/s ( 1.684M/s/cpu)
> uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 1.736 ± 0.003M/s ( 1.736M/s/cpu)
> uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 2.502 ± 0.006M/s ( 2.502M/s/cpu)
> uretprobes are inherently slower, so I'll just compare uprobe, as the
> differences are very clear either way.
> -nop is literally nop (Liao solved that issue, I just don't have his
> patch applied on my test machine). -push has `stp x29, x30, [sp,
> #-0x10]!` instruction traced. -ret is literally just `ret`
> instruction.
> So you can see that -ret is almost twice as fast as the -push variant
> (it's a microbenchmark, yes, but still).
>> AFAICT either:
>> * Single-stepping is unexpectedly expensive.
>> Historically we had performance issues with hypervisor trapping of
>> debug features, and there are things we might be able to improve in
>> the hypervisor and kernel, which would improve stepping *all*
>> instructions.
> Single-stepping will always be more expensive, as it necessitates
> extra hop kernel->user space->kernel, so no matter the optimization
> for single-stepping, if we can avoid it, we should. It will be
> noticeable.
>> If stepping is the big problem, we could move uprobes over to a BRK
>> rather than a single-step. That would require require updating and
>> fixing the logic to decide which instructions are steppable, but
>> that's necessary anyway given it has extant soundness issues.
> I'm afraid I don't understand what BRK means and what are the
> consequences in terms of overheads. I'm not an ARM person either, so
> sorry if that's a stupid question. But either way, I can't address
> this. But see above, emulating an instruction feels like a much better
> approach, if possible.
As I understand, Mark's suggestion is to place a BRK instruction next to
the instruction in the xol slot. Once the instruction in the xol slot
executed, the BRK instruction would trigger a trap into kernel. This is
a common technique used on platforms that don't support hardware single-
step. However, since Arm64 does support hardware single-stepping, kernel
enables it in pre_ssout(), allowing the CPU to automatically trap into kernel
after instruction in xol slot executed. But even we move uprobes over
to a BRK rather than a single-step. It can't reduce the overhead of user->
kernel->user context switch on the bare-metal. Maybe I am wrong, Mark,
could you give more details about the BRK.
>> * XOL management is absurdly expensive.
>> Does uprobes keep the XOL slot around (like krpobes does), or does it
>> create the slot afresh for each trap?
> XOL *page* is created once per process, lazily, and then we just
> juggle a bunch of fixed slots there for each instance of
> single-stepped uprobe. And yes, there are some bottlenecks in XOL
> management, though it's mostly due to lock contention (as it is
> implemented right now). Liao and Oleg have been improving XOL
> management, but still, avoiding XOL in the first place is the much
> preferred way.
>> If that's trying to create a slot afresh for each trap, there are
>> several opportunities for improvement, e.g. keep the slot around for
>> as long as the uprobe exists, or pre-allocate shared slots for common
>> instructions and use those.
> As I mentioned, a XOL page is allocated and mapped once, but yes, it
> seems like we dynamically get a slot in it for each single-stepped
> execution (see xol_take_insn_slot() in kernel/events/uprobes.c). It's
> probably not a bad idea to just cache and hold a XOL slot for each
> specific uprobe, I don't see why we should limit ourselves to just one
> XOL page. We also don't need to pre-size each slot, we can probably
> allocate just the right amount of space for a given uprobe.
> All good ideas for sure, we should do them, IMO. But we'll still be
> paying an extra kernel->user->kernel switch, which almost certainly is
> slower than doing a simple stack push emulation just like we do in
> x86-64 case, no?
> BTW, I did a quick local profiling run. I don't think XOL management
> is the main source of overhead. I see 5% of CPU cycles spent in
> arch_uprobe_copy_ixol, but other than that XOL doesn't figure in stack
> traces. There are at least 22% CPU cycles spent in some
> local_daif_restore function, though, not sure what that is, but might
> be related to interrupt handling, right?
The local_daif_restore() is part of the path for all user->kernel->user
context switch, including interrupt handling, breakpoints, and single-stepping
etc. I am surprised to see it consuming 22% of CPU cycles as well. I haven't
been enable to reproduce this on my local machine.
Andrii, could you use the patch below to see if it can reduce the 5% of
CPU cycles spent in arch_uprobe_copy_ixol, I doubt that D/I cache
synchronization is the cause of this part of overhead.
> The take away I'd like to communicate here is avoiding the
> single-stepping need is *the best way* to go, IMO. So if we can
> emulate those STP instructions for uprobe *cheaply*, that would be
> awesome.
Given some significant uprobe optimizations from Oleg and Andrii
merged, I am curious to see how these changes impact the profiling
result on Arm64. So I re-ran the selftest bench on the latest kernel
(based on tag next-20241104) and the kernel (based on tag next-20240909)
that I used when I submitted this patch. The results re-ran are shown
next-20240909(xol stp + xol nop)
uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.424 ± 0.000M/s ( 0.424M/s/cpu)
uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.415 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.415M/s/cpu)
uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 2.101 ± 0.002M/s ( 2.101M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.347 ± 0.000M/s ( 0.347M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.349 ± 0.000M/s ( 0.349M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 1.051 ± 0.001M/s ( 1.051M/s/cpu)
next-20240909(sim stp + sim nop)
uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 2.042 ± 0.002M/s ( 2.042M/s/cpu)
uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 1.363 ± 0.002M/s ( 1.363M/s/cpu)
uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 2.052 ± 0.002M/s ( 2.052M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 1.049 ± 0.001M/s ( 1.049M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.780 ± 0.000M/s ( 0.780M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 1.065 ± 0.001M/s ( 1.065M/s/cpu)
next-20241104 (xol stp + sim nop)
uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 2.044 ± 0.003M/s ( 2.044M/s/cpu)
uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.415 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.415M/s/cpu)
uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 2.047 ± 0.001M/s ( 2.047M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.832 ± 0.003M/s ( 0.832M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.328 ± 0.000M/s ( 0.328M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 0.833 ± 0.003M/s ( 0.833M/s/cpu)
next-20241104 (sim stp + sim nop)
uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 2.052 ± 0.002M/s ( 2.052M/s/cpu)
uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 1.411 ± 0.002M/s ( 1.411M/s/cpu)
uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 2.052 ± 0.005M/s ( 2.052M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.839 ± 0.005M/s ( 0.839M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.702 ± 0.002M/s ( 0.702M/s/cpu)
uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 0.837 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.837M/s/cpu)
It seems that the STP simluation approach in this patch significantly
improves uprobe-push throughtput by 240% (from 0.415Ms/ to 1.411M/s)
and uretprobe-push by 114% (from 0.328M/s to 0.702M/s) on kernels
bases on next-20240909 and next-20241104. While there is still room
for improvement to reach the throughput of -nop and -ret, the gains
are very substantail.
But I'm a bit puzzled by the throughput of uprobe/uretprobe-push using
single-stepping stp, which are far lower compared to the result when
when I submitted patch(look closely to the uprobe-push and uretprobe-push
results in commit log). I'm certain that the tests were run on the
same bare-metal machine with background tasked minimized. I doubt some
uncommitted uprobe optimization on my local repo twist the result of
-push using single-step.
In addition to the micro benchmark, I also re-ran Redis benchmark to
compare the impact of single-stepping STP and simluated STP to the
throughput of redis-server. I believe the impact of uprobe on the real
application depends on the frequency of uprobe triggered and the application's
hot paths. Therefore, I wouldn't say the simluated STP will benefit all
real world applications.
$ redis-benchmark -h [redis-server IP] -p 7778 -n 64000 -d 4 -c 128 -t SET
$ redis-server --port 7778 --protected-mode no --save "" --appendonly no & &&
bpftrace -e 'uprobe:redis-server:readQueryFromClient{}
uprobe:redis-server:aeApiPoll {}'
RPS: 55602.1
next-20241104 + ss stp
RPS: 47220.9
uprobe@@aeApiPoll: 554565
uprobe at processCommand: 1275160
uprobe at readQueryFromClient: 1277710
next-20241104 + sim stp
RPS 54290.09
uprobe at aeApiPoll: 496007
uprobe at processCommand: 1275160
uprobe at readQueryFromClient: 1277710
Andrii expressed concern that the STP simulation in this patch is too
expensive. If we believe the result I re-ran, perhaps it is not a
bad way to simluate STP. Looking forward to your feedbacks, or someone
could propose a cheaper way to simluate STP, I'm very happy to test it
on my machine, thanks.
>>> xol-stp
>>> -------
>>> uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 1.566 ± 0.006M/s ( 1.566M/s/cpu)
>>> uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.868 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.868M/s/cpu)
>>> uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 1.629 ± 0.001M/s ( 1.629M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.871 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.871M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.616 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.616M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 0.878 ± 0.002M/s ( 0.878M/s/cpu)
>>> simulated-stp
>>> -------------
>>> uprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 1.544 ± 0.001M/s ( 1.544M/s/cpu)
>>> uprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 1.128 ± 0.002M/s ( 1.128M/s/cpu)
>>> uprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 1.550 ± 0.005M/s ( 1.550M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-nop ( 1 cpus): 0.872 ± 0.004M/s ( 0.872M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-push ( 1 cpus): 0.714 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.714M/s/cpu)
>>> uretprobe-ret ( 1 cpus): 0.896 ± 0.001M/s ( 0.896M/s/cpu)
>>> The profiling results based on the upstream kernel with spinlock
>>> optimization patches [2] reveals the simulation of STP increase the
>>> uprobe-push throughput by 29.3% (from 0.868M/s/cpu to 1.1238M/s/cpu) and
>>> uretprobe-push by 15.9% (from 0.616M/s/cpu to 0.714M/s/cpu).
>>> [0] https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAEf4BzaO4eG6hr2hzXYpn+7Uer4chS0R99zLn02ezZ5YruVuQw@mail.gmail.com/
>>> [1] https://lore.kernel.org/all/Zr3RN4zxF5XPgjEB@J2N7QTR9R3/
>>> [2] https://lore.kernel.org/all/20240815014629.2685155-1-liaochang1@huawei.com/
>>> Signed-off-by: Liao Chang <liaochang1 at huawei.com>
>>> ---
>>> arch/arm64/include/asm/insn.h | 1 +
>>> arch/arm64/kernel/probes/decode-insn.c | 16 +++++
>>> arch/arm64/kernel/probes/decode-insn.h | 1 +
>>> arch/arm64/kernel/probes/simulate-insn.c | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> arch/arm64/kernel/probes/simulate-insn.h | 1 +
>>> arch/arm64/kernel/probes/uprobes.c | 21 ++++++
>>> arch/arm64/lib/insn.c | 5 ++
>>> 7 files changed, 134 insertions(+)
> [...]
Liao, Chang
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