[PATCH v5 1/7] dt-bindings: mfd: add support for the NXP SIUL2 module

Andrei Stefanescu andrei.stefanescu at oss.nxp.com
Mon Nov 4 03:11:00 PST 2024

Hi Frank,

Thank you for your review!

>> +      - description: SIUL2_1 module memory
> description have not provide more informaiton.
> maxItems: 2 should be enough here.

I will fix in v6.

>> +
>> +patternProperties:
>> +  '-hog(-[0-9]+)?$':
>> +    required:
>> +      - gpio-hog
>> +
>> +  '-pins$':
>> +    type: object
>> +    additionalProperties: false
>> +
>> +    patternProperties:
>> +      '-grp[0-9]$':
>> +        type: object
>> +        allOf:
>> +          - $ref: /schemas/pinctrl/pinmux-node.yaml#
>> +          - $ref: /schemas/pinctrl/pincfg-node.yaml#
>> +        description:
>> +          Pinctrl node's client devices specify pin muxes using subnodes,
>> +          which in turn use the standard properties below.
>> +
>> +        properties:
>> +          bias-disable: true
>> +          bias-high-impedance: true
>> +          bias-pull-up: true
>> +          bias-pull-down: true
>> +          drive-open-drain: true
>> +          input-enable: true
>> +          output-enable: true
> suppose needn't such common property, if use
> 	unevaluatedProperties: false

This part was taken from pinctrl/nxp,s32g2-siul2-pinctrl.yaml and, if I remember
correctly, feedback from that patch's review was to explicitly specify which
properties are supported by this binding. Would it be ok to keep this section
as-is(with all of the supported properties and the additionalProperties: false)?

>> +
>> +          pinmux:
>> +            description: |
> needn't "|" here
>> +              An integer array for representing pinmux configurations of
>> +              a device. Each integer consists of a PIN_ID and a 4-bit
>> +              selected signal source(SSS) as IOMUX setting, which is
>> +              calculated as: pinmux = (PIN_ID << 4 | SSS)

I need it here because of the "pinmux = (PIN_ID << 4 | SSS)" part. 

>> +
>> +          slew-rate:
>> +            description: Supported slew rate based on Fmax values (MHz)
>> +            enum: [83, 133, 150, 166, 208]
>> +
>> +        additionalProperties: false
> It should be unevaluatedProperties: false because there $ref.

Do you mean to change "additionalProperties:false" to "unevaluatedProperties:false"?
If I understand correctly "additionalProperties:false" only allows the explicitly mentioned
subset of properties from other schemas whereas "unevaluatedProperties:false" allows all
properties from other schemas. I would like to permit only the mentioned properties. Would
that be ok?

>> +  - |
>> +    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
>> +    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
>> +
>> +    siul2: siul2 at 4009c000 {
> needn't label siul2.

I will fix in v6.

>> +
>> +        jtag-grp1 {
>> +          pinmux = <0x11>;
>> +          slew-rate = <166>;
>> +        };
> one example should be enough.

I will fix in v6.

Best regards,

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