[PATCH 0/3] spi: spi-rockchip: Fix of chip select lines handling

Luis de Arquer ldearquer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 11:46:05 PST 2024

This patch series has several fixes concerning spi-rockchip handling of chip select lines.

Probably the more important issue is an out of bounds access to an array, fixed on
the first commit of the series. The issue was found and reproduced on a downstream
kernel (orange pi 5 plus), but it seems to still be present on mainline

The patch has been made and built on linux-rockchip tree.
It will take me a few days to complete proper testing, but any comments at this point
are welcome.

Also, this is my first patch, so let me know of any side issues with patch or email
format :)

Luis de Arquer
Inertim Research

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