[PATCH RFC 0/3] Add generic Overlay for Grove Sunlight Sensor

Ayush Singh ayush at beagleboard.org
Tue Aug 27 06:20:15 PDT 2024

> Sorry, no I've not had time to circle back to this for the last couple 
> weeks,
> and don't expect to be able to for a couple more :(

Np, I will see what I can do.

> The two parts I see that are missing are:
> 1) The /append-property/ tag [0].

So how do you envision it? Maybe something like the following:


/ {

     node {

         prop = <0x00>;




&node {

     /append-property/ prop;

     prop = <0x01>;


Or would it be better to append 1 element at a time, as follows:

&node {

     /append-property/ prop 0x01;


> 2) Allowing the __symbols__ table properties to be phandles, not just
> full path strings.
> For item 2, this will make the "adapter overlays" look much nicer, but
> more importantly allow chaining together adapters more easily.
> Both these changes will need to be made in the DTC project, then
> moved back into kernel. Neither change breaks any existing compatibility
> so I don't expect much resistance there. It just takes some time
> to get changes in, then have them migrated to a kernel release before
> we can make use of them.
> If you want to help with either of those two items (I can provide more
> details if needed), that could help keep this moving along. :)
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> [0] https://lkml.org/lkml/2024/7/5/311

I am in the process of understanding the dtc codebase. Will send patches 
to device-tree mailing list since that seems to be easier to keep track 
of with the Linux patches instead of GitHub PRs.

Ayush Singh

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