spi-fsl-lpspi: i.MX93 ERR051608

Stefan Wahren wahrenst at gmx.net
Fri Aug 16 06:51:49 PDT 2024


according to the latest i.MX93 errata [1] the prescale bits in TCR
register are limit to 0 or 1 (ERR051608). The workaround paragraph
states that there is a software workaround in imx_5.15 (vendor tree).

Looking at the mainline driver [2] doesn't look like this
limitation/errata has been addressed.

Can someone point me to the vendor workaround, because i cannot find it
in the linux-imx repo?
Or do i miss something?

Best regards

[1] - https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/errata/i.MX93_1P87f.pdf
[2] -

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