[PATCH RFC v6 3/6] dpll: documentation on DPLL subsystem interface

Vadim Fedorenko vadfed at meta.com
Sat Mar 11 18:28:04 PST 2023

Add documentation explaining common netlink interface to configure DPLL
devices and monitoring events. Common way to implement DPLL device in
a driver is also covered.

Signed-off-by: Vadim Fedorenko <vadim.fedorenko at linux.dev>
Signed-off-by: Arkadiusz Kubalewski <arkadiusz.kubalewski at intel.com>
 Documentation/networking/dpll.rst  | 347 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Documentation/networking/index.rst |   1 +
 2 files changed, 348 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/networking/dpll.rst

diff --git a/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst b/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25cd81edc73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/networking/dpll.rst
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+The Linux kernel DPLL subsystem
+The main purpose of DPLL subsystem is to provide general interface
+to configure devices that use any kind of Digital PLL and could use
+different sources of signal to synchronize to as well as different
+types of outputs.
+The main interface is NETLINK_GENERIC based protocol with an event
+monitoring multicast group defined.
+Dpll object
+Single dpll device object means single Digital PLL circuit and bunch of
+pins connected with it.
+It provides its capablities and current status to the user in response
+to the `do` request of netlink command ``DPLL_CMD_DEVICE_GET`` and list
+of dplls registered in the subsystem with `dump` netlink request of same
+Requesting configuration of dpll device is done with `do` request of
+netlink ``DPLL_CMD_DEVICE_SET`` command.
+Pin object
+A pin is amorphic object which represents either input or output, it
+could be internal component of the device, as well as externaly
+The number of pins per dpll vary, but usually multiple pins shall be
+provided for a single dpll device.
+Pin's properities and capabilities are provided to the user in response
+to `do` request of netlink ``DPLL_CMD_PIN_GET`` command.
+It is also possible to list all the pins that were registered either
+with dpll or different pin with `dump` request of ``DPLL_CMD_PIN_GET``
+Configuration of a pin can be changed by `do` request of netlink
+``DPLL_CMD_PIN_SET`` command.
+Shared pins
+Pin can be shared by multiple dpll devices. Where configuration on one
+pin can alter multiple dplls (i.e. PIN_FREQUENCY, PIN_DIRECTION),
+or configure just one pin-dpll pair (i.e. PIN_PRIO, PIN_STATE).
+MUX-type pins
+A pin can be MUX-type, which aggregates child pins and serves as pin
+multiplexer. One or more pins are attached to MUX-type instead of being
+directly connected to a dpll device.
+Pins registered with a MUX-type provides user with additional nested
+attribute ``DPLL_A_PIN_PARENT`` for each parrent they were registered
+Only one child pin can provide it's signal to the parent MUX-type pin at
+a time, the selection is done with requesting change of child pin state
+to ``DPLL_PIN_STATE_CONNECTED`` and providing a target MUX-type pin
+index value in ``DPLL_A_PARENT_PIN_IDX``
+Pin priority
+Some devices might offer a capability of automatic pin selection mode.
+Usually such automatic selection is offloaded to the hardware,
+which means only pins directly connected to the dpll are capable of
+automatic source pin selection.
+In automatic selection mode, the user cannot manually select a source
+pin for the device, instead the user shall provide all directly
+connected pins with a priority ``DPLL_A_PIN_PRIO``, the device would
+pick a highest priority valid signal and connect with it.
+Child pin of MUX-type are not capable of automatic source pin selection,
+in order to configure a source of a MUX-type pin the user still needs
+to request desired pin state.
+Configuration commands group
+Configuration commands are used to get or dump information about
+registered DPLL devices (and pins), as well as set configuration of
+device or pins. As DPLL device could not be abstract and reflects real
+hardware, there is no way to add new DPLL device via netlink from user
+space and each device should be registered by it's driver.
+All netlink commands require ``GENL_ADMIN_PERM``. This is to prevent
+any spamming/D.o.S. from unauthorized userspace applications.
+List of command with possible attributes
+All constants identifying command types use ``DPLL_CMD_`` prefix and
+suffix according to command purpose. All attributes use ``DPLL_A_``
+prefix and suffix according to attribute purpose:
+  ============================  =======================================
+  ``DEVICE_GET``                command to get device info or dump list
+                                of available devices
+    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device ID
+    ``DEV_NAME``                attr dpll device name
+    ``BUS_NAME``                attr dpll device bus name
+    ``MODE``                    attr selection mode
+    ``MODE_SUPPORTED``          attr available selection modes
+    ``SOURCE_PIN_IDX``          attr index of currently selected source
+    ``LOCK_STATUS``             attr internal frequency-lock status
+    ``TEMP``                    attr device temperature information
+    ``CLOCK_ID``                attr Unique Clock Identifier (EUI-64),
+                                as defined by the IEEE 1588 standard
+    ``TYPE``                    attr type or purpose of dpll device
+  ``DEVICE_SET``                command to set dpll device configuration
+    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device index
+    ``NAME``                    attr dpll device name (not required if
+                                dpll device index was provided)
+    ``MODE``                    attr selection mode to configure
+  ``PIN_GET``                   command to get pin info or dump list of
+                                available pins
+    ``DEVICE``                  nest attr for each dpll device pin is
+                                connected with
+      ``ID``                    attr internal dpll device ID
+      ``DEV_NAME``              attr dpll device name
+      ``BUS_NAME``              attr dpll device bus name
+      ``PIN_PRIO``              attr priority of pin on the dpll device
+      ``PIN_STATE``             attr state of pin on the dpll device
+    ``PIN_IDX``                 attr index of a pin on the dpll device
+    ``PIN_DESCRIPTION``         attr description provided by driver
+    ``PIN_TYPE``                attr type of a pin
+    ``PIN_DIRECTION``           attr direction of a pin
+    ``PIN_FREQUENCY``           attr current frequency of a pin
+    ``PIN_FREQUENCY_SUPPORTED`` attr provides supported frequencies
+    ``PIN_ANY_FREQUENCY_MIN``   attr minimum value of frequency in case
+                                pin/dpll supports any frequency
+    ``PIN_ANY_FREQUENCY_MAX``   attr maximum value of frequency in case
+                                pin/dpll supports any frequency
+    ``PIN_PARENT``              nest attr for each MUX-type parent, that
+                                pin is connected with
+      ``PIN_PARENT_IDX``        attr index of a parent pin on the dpll
+                                device
+      ``PIN_STATE``             attr state of a pin on parent pin
+    ``PIN_RCLK_DEVICE``         attr name of a device, where pin
+                                recovers clock signal from
+    ``PIN_DPLL_CAPS``           attr bitmask of pin-dpll capabilities
+  ``PIN_SET``                   command to set pins configuration
+    ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device index
+    ``BUS_NAME``                attr dpll device name (not required if
+                                dpll device ID was provided)
+    ``DEV_NAME``                attr dpll device name (not required if
+                                dpll device ID was provided)
+    ``PIN_IDX``                 attr index of a pin on the dpll device
+    ``PIN_DIRECTION``           attr direction to be set
+    ``PIN_FREQUENCY``           attr frequency to be set
+    ``PIN_PRIO``                attr pin priority to be set
+    ``PIN_STATE``               attr pin state to be set
+    ``PIN_PRIO``                attr pin priority to be set
+    ``PIN_PARENT_IDX``          attr if provided state is to be set with
+                                parent pin instead of with dpll device
+Netlink dump requests
+The ``DEVICE_GET`` and ``PIN_GET`` commands are capable of dump type
+netlink requests. Possible response message attributes for netlink dump
+  ==============================  =======================================
+  ``PIN_GET``                     command to dump pins
+    ``PIN``                       attr nested type contains single pin
+      ``DEVICE``                  nest attr for each dpll device pin is
+                                  connected with
+        ``ID``                    attr internal dpll device ID
+        ``DEV_NAME``              attr dpll device name
+        ``BUS_NAME``              attr dpll device bus name
+      ``PIN_IDX``                 attr index of dumped pin (on dplls)
+      ``PIN_DESCRIPTION``         description of a pin provided by driver
+      ``PIN_TYPE``                attr value of pin type
+      ``PIN_FREQUENCY``           attr current frequency of a pin
+      ``PIN_FREQUENCY_SUPPORTED`` attr provides supported frequencies
+      ``PIN_RCLK_DEVICE``         attr name of a device, where pin
+                                  recovers clock signal from
+      ``PIN_DIRECTION``           attr direction of a pin
+      ``PIN_PARENT``              nest attr for each MUX-type parent,
+                                  that pin is connected with
+        ``PIN_PARENT_IDX``        attr index of a parent pin on the dpll
+                                  device
+        ``PIN_STATE``             attr state of a pin on parent pin
+  ``DEVICE_GET``                  command to dump dplls
+    ``DEVICE``                    attr nested type contatin a single
+                                  dpll device
+      ``ID``                      attr internal dpll device ID
+      ``DEV_NAME``                attr dpll device name
+      ``BUS_NAME``                attr dpll device bus name
+Dpll device level configuration pre-defined enums
+For all below enum names used for configuration of dpll device use
+the ``DPLL_`` prefix.
+Values for ``DPLL_A_LOCK_STATUS`` attribute:
+  ============================= ======================================
+  ``LOCK_STATUS_UNLOCKED``      DPLL is in freerun, not locked to any
+                                source pin
+  ``LOCK_STATUS_CALIBRATING``   DPLL device calibrates to lock to the
+                                source pin signal
+  ``LOCK_STATUS_LOCKED``        DPLL device is locked to the source
+                                pin frequency
+  ``LOCK_STATUS_HOLDOVER``      DPLL device lost a lock, using its
+                                frequency holdover capabilities
+Values for ``DPLL_A_MODE`` attribute:
+  =================== ================================================
+  ``MODE_FORCED``     source pin is force-selected by setting pin
+                      state to ``DPLL_PIN_STATE_CONNECTED`` on a dpll
+  ``MODE_AUTOMATIC``  source pin is auto selected according to
+                      configured pin priorities and source signal
+                      validity
+  ``MODE_HOLDOVER``   force holdover mode of DPLL
+  ``MODE_FREERUN``    DPLL is driven by supplied system clock without
+                      holdover capabilities
+  ``MODE_NCO``        similar to FREERUN, with possibility to
+                      numerically control frequency offset
+Values for ``DPLL_A_TYPE`` attribute:
+  ============= ================================================
+  ``TYPE_PPS``  DPLL used to provide pulse-per-second output
+  ``TYPE_EEC``  DPLL used to drive ethernet equipment clock
+Pin level configuration pre-defined enums
+For all below enum names used for configuration of pin use the
+``DPLL_PIN`` prefix.
+Values for ``DPLL_A_PIN_STATE`` attribute:
+  ======================= ========================================
+  ``STATE_CONNECTED``     Pin connected to a dpll or parent pin
+  ``STATE_DISCONNECTED``  Pin disconnected from dpll or parent pin
+Values for ``DPLL_A_PIN_DIRECTION`` attribute:
+  ======================= ==============================
+  ``DIRECTION_SOURCE``    Pin used as a source of signal
+  ``DIRECTION_OUTPUT``    Pin used to output signal
+Values for ``DPLL_A_PIN_TYPE`` attributes:
+  ======================== ========================================
+  ``TYPE_MUX``             MUX type pin, connected pins shall have
+                           their own types
+  ``TYPE_EXT``             External pin
+  ``TYPE_SYNCE_ETH_PORT``  SyncE on Ethernet port
+  ``TYPE_INT_OSCILLATOR``  Internal Oscillator (i.e. Holdover with
+                           Atomic Clock as a Source)
+  ``TYPE_GNSS``            GNSS 1PPS source
+Values for ``DPLL_A_PIN_DPLL_CAPS`` attributes:
+  ============================= ================================
+  ``CAPS_DIRECTION_CAN_CHANGE`` Bit present if direction can change
+  ``CAPS_PRIORITY_CAN_CHANGE``  Bit present if priority can change
+  ``CAPS_STATE_CAN_CHANGE``     Bit present if state can change
+DPLL device can provide notifications regarding status changes of the
+device, i.e. lock status changes, source/output type changes or alarms.
+This is the multicast group that is used to notify user-space apps via
+netlink socket: ``DPLL_MCGRP_MONITOR``
+Notifications messages (attrbiutes use ``DPLL_A`` prefix):
+  ========================= ==========================================
+  ``EVENT_DEVICE_CREATE``   event value new DPLL device was created
+    ``ID``                  attr internal dpll device ID
+    ``DEV_NAME``            attr dpll device name
+    ``BUS_NAME``            attr dpll device bus name
+  ``EVENT_DEVICE_DELETE``   event value DPLL device was deleted
+    ``ID``                  attr dpll device index
+  ``EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGE``   event value DPLL device attribute has
+                            changed
+    ``ID``                  attr modified dpll device ID
+    ``PIN_IDX``             attr the modified pin index
+Device change event shall consiste of the attribute and the value that
+has changed.
+Device driver implementation
+Device is allocated by ``dpll_device_get`` call. Second call with the
+same arguments doesn't create new object but provides pointer to
+previously created device for given arguments, it also increase refcount
+of that object.
+Device is deallocated by ``dpll_device_put`` call, which first decreases
+the refcount, once refcount is cleared the object is destroyed.
+Device should implement set of operations and register device via
+``dpll_device_register`` at which point it becomes available to the
+users. Only one driver can register a dpll device within dpll subsytem.
+Multiple driver instances can obtain reference to it with
+The pins are allocated separately with ``dpll_pin_get``, it works
+similarly to ``dpll_device_get``. Creates object and the for each call
+with the same arguments the object refcount increases.
+Once DPLL device is created, allocated pin can be registered with it
+with 2 different methods, always providing implemented pin callbacks,
+and private data pointer for calling them:
+``dpll_pin_register`` - simple registration with a dpll device.
+``dpll_pin_on_pin_register`` - register pin with another MUX type pin.
+For different instances of a device driver requiring to find already
+registered DPLL (i.e. to connect its pins to id) use ``dpll_device_get``
+to obtain proper dpll device pointer.
+The name od DPLL device is generated based on registerer provided device
+struct pointer and dev_driver_id value.
+Name is in format: ``%s_%u`` witch arguments:
+``dev_name(struct device *)`` - syscall on parent device struct
+``dev_driver_idx``            - registerer given id
+Notifications of adding or removing DPLL devices are created within
+subsystem itself.
+Notifications about registering/deregistering pins are also invoked by
+the subsystem.
+Notifications about dpll status changes shall be requested by device
+driver with ``dpll_device_notify`` corresponding attribute as a reason.
+There is no strict requirement to implement all the operations for
+each device, every operation handler is checked for existence and
+ENOTSUPP is returned in case of absence of specific handler.
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/index.rst b/Documentation/networking/index.rst
index 4ddcae33c336..6eb83a47cc2d 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/networking/index.rst
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Contents:
+   dpll

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