[PATCH v2] mmc: mtk-sd: reduce CIT for better performance

AngeloGioacchino Del Regno angelogioacchino.delregno at collabora.com
Thu Jun 1 05:21:16 PDT 2023

Il 01/06/23 14:08, Wenbin Mei (梅文彬) ha scritto:
> On Thu, 2023-06-01 at 12:00 +0200, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
>> External email : Please do not click links or open attachments until
>> you have verified the sender or the content.
>>   Il 01/06/23 05:16, Wenbin Mei (梅文彬) ha scritto:
>>> On Wed, 2023-05-31 at 10:18 +0200, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
>> wrote:
>>> External email : Please do not click links or open attachments
>> until you have verified the sender or the content.
>>> Il 31/05/23 09:32, Wenbin Mei (梅文彬) ha scritto:
>>>> On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 11:13 +0200, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
>> wrote:
>>>>> External email : Please do not click links or open attachments
>> until
>>>>> you have verified the sender or the content.
>>>>> Il 10/05/23 03:58, Wenbin Mei ha scritto:
>>>>>> CQHCI_SSC1 indicates to CQE the polling period to use when using
>>>>>> periodic
>>>>>> SEND_QUEUE_STATUS(CMD13) polling.
>>>>>> The default value 0x1000 that corresponds to 150us, let's
>> decrease
>>>>>> it to
>>>>> The default value 0x1000 (4096) corresponds to 4096 * 52.08uS =
>>>>> 231.33uS
>>>>> ...so the default is not 150uS.
>>>>> If I'm wrong, this means that the CQCAP field is not 0, which
>> would
>>>>> mean
>>>>> that the expected 3uS would be wrong.
>>>>> Also, since the calculation can be done dynamically, this is what
>> we
>>>>> should
>>>>> actually do in the driver, as this gives information to the next
>>>>> engineer
>>>>> checking this piece of code.
>>>>> Apart from this, by just writing 0x40 to the CQHCI_SSC1 register,
>> you
>>>>> are
>>>>> assuming that the CQCAP value requirement is fullfilled, but you
>>>>> cannot
>>>>> assume that the bootloader has set the CQCAP's ITCFVAL and
>>>>> fields
>>>>> as you expect on all platforms: this means that implementing this
>>>>> takes
>>>>> a little more effort.
>>>>> You have two ways to implement this:
>>>>>      *** First ***
>>>>>      1. Read ITCFMUL and ITCFVAL, then:
>>>>>         tclk_mul = itcfmul_to_mhz(ITCFMUL); /* pseudo function
>>>>> interprets reg value*/
>>>>>         tclk = ITCFVAL * tclk_mul;
>>>>>      2. Set SSC1 so that we get 3nS:
>>>>>         #define CQHCI_SSC1_CIT GENMASK(15, 0)
>>>>>         poll_time = cit_time_ns_to_regval(3);
>>>>>         sscit = FIELD_PREP(CQHCI_SSC1_CIT, poll_time)
>>>>>         cqhci_writel( ... )
>>>>>      *** Second **
>>>>>      1. Pre-set ITCFMUL and ITCFVAL to
>>>>>         ITCFVAL = 192 (decimal)
>>>>>         ITCFMUL = 2 (where 2 == 0.1MHz)
>>>>>      2. Set SSC1 so that we get 3nS:
>>>>>         #define CQHCI_SSC1_CIT GENMASK(15, 0)
>>>>>         poll_time = cit_time_ns_to_regval(3);
>>>>>         sscit = FIELD_PREP(CQHCI_SSC1_CIT, poll_time)
>>>>>         cqhci_writel( ... )
>>>>> I would implement the first way, as it paves the way to extend
>> this
>>>>> to different
>>>>> tclk values if needed in the future.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Angelo
>>>> Hi Angelo,
>>>> Sorry for lately reply.
>>>> For Mediatek mmc host IP, ITCFMUL is 0x2(0x1MHz), ITVFVAL reports
>> 182,
>>>> and these fields are the same and are readonly for all IC, but
>> since
>>>> Mediatek CQE uses msdc_hclk(273MHz), CMD13'interval calculation
>> driver
>>>> should use 273MHz to get the actual time, so the actual clock is
>>>> 27.3MHz.
>>> You're right, I've misread the datasheet, just rechecked and it
>> reports RO.
>>>> If CIT is 0x1000 by default, CMD idle time: 0x1000 * 1 / 27.3MHz =
>>>> around 150us.
>>>> In addition the bootloader will not set the CQCAP's ITCFVAL and
>>>> fields, because these fields of CQCAP register is RO(readonly), so
>> we
>>>> can ignore the change for the CQCAP's ITCFVAL and ITCFMUL fields.
>>> Yes, that's right, again - this means that you should go for the
>> first
>>> proposed implementation, as future MediaTek SoCs may (or may not)
>> change
>>> that: if you implement as proposed, this is going to be a one-time
>> thing
>>> and future SoCs won't need specific changes.
>>> That implementation also documents the flow about how we're getting
>> to
>>> the actual value, which is important for community people reading
>> this
>>> driver in the future for debugging purposes.
>>> Regards,
>>> Angelo
>>> Thanks for your proposal.
>>> I have discussed with our designer, and this fields of CQCAP's
>> ITCFVAL and ITCFMUL will not change.
>>> If we add more code for it, these codes will also affect the
>> execution efficiency, even if it has a very
>>> small effect.
>>> I think if it's just for reading convenience, we can add mode
>> comments to make it easier to read the code.
>>> Do you think it's okay to add more comments?
>> This isn't a performance path, but anyway, if you think that it will
>> be at some
>> point, you can read the two registers at probe time as part of the
>> if branch, and then cache the invariable values to `struct
>> msdc_host`: this
>> will make you able to never perform register reads for ITCFVAL/FMUL
>> in
>> msdc_cqe_enable(), resolving the efficiency issue.
>> Even better, instead of caching ITCFVAL/FMUL to two variables, since
>> the idle
>> timer value likely won't ever change during runtime, you can directly
>> perform
>> the calculation for SSC1 at probe time and cache that value instead,
>> so that
>> in msdc_cqe_enable() you will have something like...
>> /* Set the send status command idle timer */
>> cqhci_writel(cq_host, host->cq_ssc1_time, CQHCI_SSC1);
>> where cq_ssc1_time is
>> struct msdc_host {
>> .......
>> u32 cq_ssc1_time;
>> ....
>> }
>> and where your probe function is
>> static int msdc_drv_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
>> {
>> ......
>> if (mmc->caps2 & MMC_CAP2_CQE) {
>> host->cq_host = ......
>> ........
>> read itcfval;
>> read itcfmul;
>> host->cq_ssc1_time = calculated-value;
>> ........
>> }
>> .......
>> }
> Yes, I think it's okay for me.
> Another problem, ITCFVAL reports 182 for MediaTek SoCs, but we can not
> use it to calculate, as i said earlier, since our CQE uses
> msdc_hclk(273MHz), CMD13' interval calculation drivers should use
> 273MHz to get the actual time, not 182MHz.
> If we use ITCFVAL, we will get a wrong value.
> So I think it's meaningless.

clk_get_rate(msdc_hclk) gives you the current msdc_hclk clock rate: use it
in place of reading ITCFVAL, that's your solution.

I would imagine that *at least* ITCFMUL is correct on MediaTek SoCs, so you
can use that one as it is.


> Begards,
> Wenbin
>> Regards,
>> Angelo
>>> Begards,
>>> Wenbin
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Wenbin
>>>>>> 0x40 that corresponds to 3us, which can improve the performance
>> of
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> eMMC devices.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Wenbin Mei <wenbin.mei at mediatek.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>      drivers/mmc/host/mtk-sd.c | 4 ++++
>>>>>>      1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/mtk-sd.c b/drivers/mmc/host/mtk-
>> sd.c
>>>>>> index edade0e54a0c..ffeccddcd028 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/mmc/host/mtk-sd.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/mmc/host/mtk-sd.c
>>>>>> @@ -2453,6 +2453,7 @@ static void
>> msdc_hs400_enhanced_strobe(struct
>>>>>> mmc_host *mmc,
>>>>>>      static void msdc_cqe_enable(struct mmc_host *mmc)
>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>          struct msdc_host *host = mmc_priv(mmc);
>>>>>> +     struct cqhci_host *cq_host = mmc->cqe_private;
>>>>>>          /* enable cmdq irq */
>>>>>>          writel(MSDC_INT_CMDQ, host->base + MSDC_INTEN);
>>>>>> @@ -2462,6 +2463,9 @@ static void msdc_cqe_enable(struct
>> mmc_host
>>>>>> *mmc)
>>>>>>          msdc_set_busy_timeout(host, 20 * 1000000000ULL, 0);
>>>>>>          /* default read data timeout 1s */
>>>>>>          msdc_set_timeout(host, 1000000000ULL, 0);
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +     /* decrease the send status command idle timer to 3us */
>>>>>> +     cqhci_writel(cq_host, 0x40, CQHCI_SSC1);
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      static void msdc_cqe_disable(struct mmc_host *mmc, bool
>> recovery)

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