[PATCH 0/1] Limit the number of counter returned from SBI.

Viacheslav Mitrofanov v.v.mitrofanov at yadro.com
Fri Apr 28 04:02:55 PDT 2023

Perf relies on reliability of SBI. If sth goes wrong the code trusts it.
It happened due to some debug process that I passed more than
RISCV_MAX_COUNTERS to perf from SBI. At the first glance there were
bloating of kalloced variable pmu_ctr_list and counter mask recycle write.
May be there were some other effects. But anyway it is better to add
extra check.

Viacheslav Mitrofanov (1):
  perf: RISC-V: Limit the number of counters returned from SBI.

 drivers/perf/riscv_pmu_sbi.c | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)


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